Personform to Targetlist


When creating a personform for a website, a campaign must be specified.
For each campaign on the other hand a target list is selected.

I would have expected a newly created lead to be added directly to the campaign’s target list. But this is not the case.

Is this (perhaps with a workflow) somehow possible?


There are several alternative approaches that should allow you to achieve this:

  • create a Workflow that runs when the new record is created and creates the relationship to the desired Target List (this is the easiest)

  • create a Report that lists the members of that campaign. When the Report runs, you have an option to add all the results to a Target List. So this would be a manual operation that you run once after receiving all the Leads.

  • customize the receiving entrypoint near here to also add a relationship to the desired Target List.

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I tried a workflow - and it worked! (I have never worked with workflows before :wink: )

Something I didn’t find out. Is it possible to remove an entry from a tragetlist with a workflow?

It seems it’s not possible… I can’t find an option for that.

You would have to do it from a logic_hook, with PHP, if you are a developer

I think I’ll keep my hands off it. :silly: