I am trying to upgrade fr 4.2x to 4.4x.
This is not the first time. I have run into permission errors:
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_7.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_6.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_5.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_4.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_3.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_2.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_1.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm.log 0644 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Versions/Versionvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroupvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/SchedulersJobs/SchedulersJobvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Schedulers/lastrun 0644 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Schedulers/Schedulervardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/SavedSearch/SavedSearchvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Roles/Rolevardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Releases/Releasevardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Relationships/Relationshipvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/OAuthTokens/OAuthTokenvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/OAuthKeys/OAuthKeyvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/MergeRecords/MergeRecordvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/InboundEmail/InboundEmailvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Import_2/UsersLastImportvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Import_1/ImportMapvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Import/UsersLastImportvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Import/ImportMapvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Groups/Uservardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/EmailText/EmailTextvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplatevardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/EmailMarketing/EmailMarketingvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/EmailMan/EmailManvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/EAPM/EAPMvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/DocumentRevisions/DocumentRevisionvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Currencies/Currencyvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/CampaignTrackers/CampaignTrackervardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/Calls_Reschedule/Calls_Reschedulevardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOW_Conditions/AOW_Conditionvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOW_Actions/AOW_Actionvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOS_Products_Quotes/AOS_Products_Quotesvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOS_Line_Item_Groups/AOS_Line_Item_Groupsvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOR_Scheduled_Reports/AOR_Scheduled_Reportsvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOR_Fields/AOR_Fieldvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOR_Conditions/AOR_Conditionvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOR_Charts/AOR_Chartvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOP_Case_Updates/AOP_Case_Updatesvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOP_Case_Events/AOP_Case_Eventsvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Indexvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/AM_ProjectHolidays/AM_ProjectHolidaysvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/ACLRoles/ACLRolevardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/modules/ACLActions/ACLActionvardefs.php 0655 root client2
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/cache/Relationships/relationships.cache.php 0655 root client2
I run another instance fo SuiteCRM in a folder/website just next door to this one. It never has permissions problems.
Why is one having problems, and not the other?
AS well, you can see what the values are:
What is the correct value supposed to be?
Thanks for any leads:)
9 December 2015 09:39
The permissions values we usually recommend can be set with the commands:
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
This will set the permissions for all files/folders to 755
and then specific files/folders to 775
If you feel that these aren’t secure enough, feel free to change them back to whatever you wish after the upgrade has finished.
Hello John,
Thanks for your helping ideas.
Can I presume that I do this from the command line inside the SuiteCRM folder, right?
This happens just about every time when I upgrade. Your help will save time running to my IT friend:)
But, can I use the same exact command, regardless what permission errors come up, or will I need to target the files/folders affected by the permission errors?
Thanks for your assistance!
9 December 2015 13:49
Yep, these are run from the Command line inside the SuiteCRM folder
As these commands are recursive, they should cover all files/folders in the SuiteCRM directory
So, you should just be able to run these commands again if permission-related issues come up
Hello John,
YOu idea has definitely reduced my errored permisisons.
Here is the latest list:
Show Files with Bad Permissions
File Name Permissions Owner Group
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_7.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_6.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_5.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_4.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_3.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_2.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm_1.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/sugarcrm.log 0755 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/modules/AOD_Index/Index/Index/segments_x3 0775 root root
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/modules/AOD_Index/Index/Index/_q0.cfs 0775 root root
As you see, 95% are gone.
They have the permission status as defined, and still does not pass.
As well, does on need the sugarcrm_log files? Each one of the old files is over 10MB large. Are they needed for anything, or can they be erased?
Let me know how to “correct” the permissions on the last difficult files:)
10 December 2015 08:03
Seems to me that you are using ISPConfig in your host that’s why these errors seems familiar to me.
I think that there errors are caused by the fact that those files are not owned by userid “web5”
I think you should change the owner:
chown -R web5:client *
At least that helped me when upgrading.
Hello, Jyse
Using this command will set permission of al items to web5, and it should work at that point?
Do I use it inside the CRM folder?
10 December 2015 16:12
At least this helped me earlier. I am not an expert with Suitecrm but slowly learning.
You should use this command inside your Crm folder.
There is a typo in earlier post. I think that the exact command is:
chown -R web5:client2 *
In fact Ispconfiq will change automatically ownership afterwards for example for Stats directory. So you must do this again when upgrading next time.
I am making progress!! I made one of the updates (7.2x to 7.3x.). Worked fine.
But, when making a nother update - 7.3x to 7.4x, I get a new permission error.
Show Files with Bad Permissions
File Name Permissions Owner Group
/var/www/clients/client2/web5/web/finance/financebackup20151214a 0755 root root
Funny part is that this fine is actually the back up file of the install.
So, I figured that the easy way to solve the issue would be to get rid of the file.
I put a copy on my PC and then proceeded to erase the original on the server.
But, when SuiteCRM does the pre-check before upgrade, it keeps coming back with a permission error on this non-existant file.
Can some one help me to let me know how to get rid of this ghost permission error?
Hello Jysse
It has been awhile sinc eyou answered my question abou teros during upgrading my SuiteCRM. Hopefully you are still out there:)
You also use ISPConfig.
I am having an issue. I use the permissions changing collands for the folders. They helped a lot on my last install. But, my last install, Iam having an issue with one of you ideas that have helped me inth epast. You said also to use the followng command:
chown -R web5:client *
I get the error:
chown: invalid group: `web5:client’
It has always worked before.
Now, I am having issues with getting kicked out of my new install with in 1-2 minutes o fusing it. I am thinking that it is related to not getting the chown command to work.
Thanks fo rgetting back to me, or someone else.
18 April 2017 09:04
If your suitecrm.log files are still showing ownership by root (like in that old listing above), then I would say your cron jobs are running as root (possibly your service provider’s fault), which is sure to break things in SuiteCRM. That would explain all the problems you’re having, and the need to keep reinstating permissions.
Just ask your service provider to run the Scheduler jobs as the correct user (your web server user, not root), fix permissions once more, and you should be ok (for good).
Detailed explanations here: https://pgorod.github.io/Scheduler-Jobs/
I have an update.
I sat down with my IT guy, and he sat in front of his computer 1`5 minutes and nver got kicked out of suitecrm.
He was using Chrome.
I then tried it on my compuyter, ands I was still having issues.
I use FireFox.
So, I tried disabling all plug ins. No success on 1 the new install, but pon my older install, it starting working with no issues.
I tried another browser, and it works fine on all installs!
I will reinstall Firefox, and see if this has any affect.
Anyone else have an issue with Foe Fox?
29 April 2017 20:43
I always use Firefox exclusively, never had problems with SuiteCRM because of this…
I went back and confirmed, my ownership is as follows:
web5 client2
which reflects the owner of the directories.
It also started to afect a previous install, where i get kicked out now as well, on the domain name.
Root is no longer the owner.
This removes the idea that you had put forth that it is because the files were owned by root.
But then, an even older install, (still on the same server), has been working fine for years and no issues.
I also tried firefox on my Mac. Same issues. It kicks me out.
Chrome on my Mac works fine.
NOt sure
30 April 2017 15:16
Well, permissions problems always involve 3 aspects: ownership, permission values, and which user your web server is using. You can only take conclusions after making sure all three match appropriately.
Anyway, if the problem is browser-specific I agree you could investigate in a different direction. Maybe try opening Web Developers tools on Firefox and see if any error catches your eye at the moment where you are “kicked out”.
Also check your suitecrm.log and php_errors.log at that same moment.