Permissions problems? Nothing working as expected

Running Centos 7 with WHM/Cpanel on a VPS

Installed suiteCRM 7.9.2 (latest stable at this time) on a subdomain
Standard MySQL database
no sample data (forgot to check that box)

For years I’ve been attempting to get Sugar, and now SuiteCRM to work for me but have always turned to vTiger for ease of install. I have a client that needs a CRM and vTiger is only getting worse so I really want to suggest SuiteCRM. BUT…

I still can’t get past the permissions troubles.

The apache user and group in centos 7 is nobody.

I installed SuiteCRM, Everything went fine.
I made it through everything, I can set up email etc., when I try to create any records I get a 500 internal error. I interpret that as permissions trouble since that’s my whole experience with Suite and Sugar before that.

I have root access so I run chown -R nobody:nobody

This breaks everything and I can’t even view the site: 500 server error

chmod -R 755 doesn’t help either.

I need my user:group to be : in order to view the site but with that i can’t create any records. Change ownership to create records and I can’t even access the site.

The only instruction I can find is to use the chown -R nobody… and that doesn’t work.

Are there specific folders that should have this apache ownership? (I seem to recall that being the case with Sugar)

I really like what SuiteCRM has done recently. I really want to use this. I can figure out almost anything but this seemingly simple matter stumps me… and I hate it.

Please save me from my ignorance.

This is what the installation instructions recommend:

    sudo chown -R nobody:nobody .
    sudo chmod -R 755 .
    sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php 

Run those commands from within the SuiteCRM root directory.

Then if you get 500 errors, don’t assume it’s a permissions issue (it could be a lack of some PHP module, for example), but go into your logs to find out what went wrong.