Permissions on Cases

Hello everyone,

I am wondering if there is a way to set permissions so only certain groups could close cases, or see certain values in a drop down menu. The situation is we only want supervisors to be able to close out cases, but we also want users reporting to the supervisor be able to edit the cases. Editing meaning updating the description, resolution, and update fields.

I have seen that we can set rules on if users can edit the cases, but we want all the users in a certain group to be able to edit them, we just want certain users to be able to close the case.

Is this possible?


Hi Ferbla,

This is not available with the version of Security Suite in SuiteCRM. In the pro version of Security Suite, found here, you could remove the open/closed drop down for groups whom you didn’t want to close the case. You cannot do field level(i,e, showing certain drop down values).



Hello Will,

Okay, that sounds good. Thanks for the information.
