Permanantely delete 'Soft Deleted' Records

Hello, I have created a copy of our suitecrm for development purposes on our web server.

The cloned suitecrm contains all records (leads, contacts etc.) and I would like to remove these because I will be giving access to someone which I don’t fully trust with all our records.

From my understanding, deleting these inside of suitecrm manager will only ‘soft delete’ which means they can be recovered/found through SQL queries.

Since this cloned suitecrm is for testing purposes only, I would prefer to permnanately delete all records.

Does anyone know how this can be easily achieved?

I guess there is no other work around for giving developers access to your suitecrm?
Please note, they have requested full crm admin login access, website files and database for the development.

Best just to send them the code base solely along with the field_meta_data table (which can be exported into a field_meta_data.sql file)

They then just install the CRM and import the field_meta_data.sql into their new fresh and completely empty database.

At worse, go into the database and select the records within your modules and delete them via SQL

@Mac-Rae Thanks for your reply,

Can you please elaborate how this can be done? I’m not that familiar with SuiteCRM file management?
It would be useful if you can explain exactly what needs to be exported and sent?
Please note we have previously had some bespoke development made to this SuiteCRM.

Should I choose to do this instead, what should be entered to delete the soft records permnanently via SQL?

Hi @jpeterson,

I would recommend the first part as it’s relaxed and better practice once you’ve done it. If you have experience with a version management software, then now’s the time to use it. If not, we can take some simple steps to get a similar result minus the tracking.

Ok so on your duplicate CRM,
Go to the database and export the table fields_meta_data and keep resulting .SQL file somewhere safe. This can be done via the command line or an interface like PHPmyAdmin (Recommended).

Next, remove the following directory’s and files from your arms directory;
Cache, uploads, config.php, (don’t remove config_overide.php)

Next step is packaging which can be done via my tool you like, in the end, you should have a .tar, .tar.gz, .zip or some kinda archive file format.

You can then provided this archive file and.SQL file to your Dev who can install this instance in any location they wish.

To install, unzip the directory, set permissions, install wizard, import fields_meta_data.sql into the database and run a repair and rebuild. Once customisations are complete, the company can rerun the above steps to repackage.

If you have knowledge of git or another VMS let me know and we can go over steps go over steps to set it up :+1: