Pencil Edit button not working in Listview

Pencil edit button not working in listview of opportunity module,when user’s click on that then nothing happen. And also when they going to Edit from Action->Edit and change the value then value not display in Editview,Listview,Detail view.
Anyone please help.

Do you have a SuiteCRM version? And PHP version?

Check the browser’s Javascript console for errors when you click the pencil button.

And check your security groups settings, maybe your user is not allowed to edit. Try it with an Admin user.

i set the role for user’s that able to edit.But that particular opportunity that is assigned to user also not get edit and that error coming in console:-
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

And My suitecrm version is:- 7.11 and php version is:- 7.4

I think that console error is safe to ignore, and I don’t think it’s the cause of your problem.

I would still advise to run the test with an admin user. If that makes a difference, then you can be sure that your problem is security groups, and nothing else. So it will help focus your diagnostic.

I check the role managment from Admin/RoleManagment one Zone head create that have full access of Opportunity but when it going for edit it is unable to edit Opportunity-data.

The test I am suggesting that you do is this:

  • login as an admin user
  • access the record and try to edit it

If you are unsuccessful, that means:

  • something else is broken, not security groups permissions

If you are successful, that means:

  • security groups evaluation is multi-layered and complex, it’s possible that some detail is missing
  • still, we don’t know the root cause and we need to continue the diagnostic

I am login as Admin then i am going for edit but pencil button not click to edit for particular single data.


And do you see anything in any of your two logs?

From two log, i check as normal user also not able to edit.
can you give me a code or scenario , from where i build logic then pencil button working in all module.

Sorry, without information I don’t know what could be going wrong, I can’t help much, I am afraid…

What information you want from my side.

Hi pgr,
I check all the possibility but still pencil button not working as admin login also.Please help me.

when i click on Edit pencil button then in issue panel it show like that

You have to connect a debugger and go through the code to find out what is wrong. It’s impossible for me to do that from here :slight_smile:

Or you can open an Issue for this on Github, and hope it gets attention.