PDF template problem

Hi, I m a new suitecrm admin (sorry for noob questions, I search in forum but I don’t find a clear answer for my need)

I try to create a contract pdf model and I don’t understand something :

When I put a dropdown field in pdf template I have only ID and not the value in result (after generate pdf).

Is it a bug? If not how can I change that?

I have a missing documents list :

ID / value
0 / letter
1 / identity card
2 / driver’s licence

But only get this kind of values when I generate PDF :

0, 1, 2

(sorry for my bad english)

of course what I need is to get values in the pdf…

No one can help?
I can write same values in key and values in my dropdown,
but it’s dirty solution.

I hope someone could answer

is it a weird question? no one else need that?

perhaps someone can help me and explain where are the pdf template saved files (php or config files not real pdf of course)
I need to understand how to replace value by label for dropdown variable.

Please :slight_smile: ?

is not good… what is your version of suitecrm?

the files used to generate PDF are under modules/AOS_PDF_Templates
generatePdf.php and templateParser.php but is not rewritable in upgrade safe mode.
ATTENTION!!! If you upgrade suitecrm you can lose your personalization.

Hi I use 7.8.3 version.
Thanks for your answer I’ll investigate why I only get ID value and not label in pdf letter I make.

I try with 2 dropdown list

first works fine (dropdwon “classic”)
second don’t work only disply ID and not label, ans it’s a multi selection dropdown…
perhaps this is a bug with this dropdown type?

no one test multiple choice dropdown in a pdf model?
Is it a bug, because It’s only display ID value and not the label in letter I make.

Sorry for bumping but I have no idea to resolve this problem…

I don’t find anything about the letter I create in pdf template for contracts module.

The letter work fine (except for the multi choice dropdown) but I see nothing about this model
in any php file.

generatePdf.php and templateParser.php don’t have anything about the letter.
and there’s nothing in custom repertories.

It seem save about pdf model are not in generatePdf.php and templateParser.php ?

Sorry, I just don’t understand where are the config files…