Ive looked into that many modules on sugar crm for payment support and its very limited without going through subscription based services. I’m a start up without funding so this isn’t an option for me. I know i won’t be the only person but is there a way of getting payment processor support and logging. EG. a module that you can pay invoices directly from SuiteCRM that uses a configured payment processor like paypal to make payments get a response via ipn generate a receipet and automatically email the client this receipt aswell as update any outstanding invoices. I know it would help me millions and probably the entire community.
Hi Aiden,
There are some paypal integrations out there, but they may not have the full functionality of what you require.
Ok thanks will im looking into jbilling intergration at the minute. would prefer a system as all in one instead of two separate systems but hey i can’t win them all
The problem now is that SuiteCRM is giving us pretty much everything except a way to have the receipts paid from either a link in the email or from within the site to pay invoices… meaning the invoice module is useless since we won’t be inputting invoices twice just for records sake… Anything we can do to integrate such features? Very awesome work on SuiteCRM though… thanks!
Hi there,
This is not something currently on the roadmap but there seems to be some interest in this functionality. We would welcome contributions from the community.
How about when a invoice is created send it to the portal it would give you reason to enhance the portal at same time maybe chuck in WordPress functions so you can choose between that and joomla. So the user can view there invoice on the portal and pay when ready.
Hi Aiden,
On the roadmap there are details of what is planned for SuiteCRM. One of those in the portal is an integration with Wordpress/Drupal which we have offered to the community. There are other items for the Portal, and other modules that we will be developing internally.
And that would do it because wordpress, drupal, etc all have superb systems with payment gateway integrations and that would easily be integrated “internally” to make it seemless.