
Hi Guys

My user profile does not have a provision for password access. Please see attached screenshot. Could someone help me please?


It is likely that “System Generated Passwords” is enabled.

Navigate to Admin > Password Management.
Then, you can uncheck “Enable System-Generated Passwords Feature”

Then, save.

This will make it so that you can set passwords manually when editing/creating a user.
However, as expected, user password’s will no longer be randomly generated and sent to the user’s Email when the user is created.

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Hi, I’m still barely new to SuiteCRM. My boss asked me to set it up for our company, which I have successfully do. I’m trying to add other employees to SuiteCRM so that they can be able to login. However, when I click on Employees > Create, I can see that I’m able to create new employees but there is no where on that page that ask you to manually enter employees usernames and passwords. Please help me. I went to Admin > Password Management and unchecked Enable System-Generated Passwords Feature but it is still not showing me any field to enter username and password. Please help me, please.

you have to add users in admin->User Management, employees is for non admin users to see the details of fellow employees, each user can optionally be shown on employees.