Painfully missing functionality from SugarCRM CE

I highly appreciate your efforts to develop a powerful opensource CRM. SuiteCRM is really promising.
We analysed SugarCRM CE and identified 3 fundamental missing functionalities.
Do you plan to implement something similar in the coming releases of SuiteCRM?
Modest development efforts, huge impact…

1. Effective collection of leads:
the current web lead form cannot be saved or copied, it can be used only to generate HTML code.
Do you plan a better web lead form solution?

2. Finding data:
we enter data to CRM in order to find and use them later.
Currently it is impossible go set up complex searches in order to filter data in list views (search for emptiness, “or” relation between fields, etc).

3. Communicate with customers
The major weakness of neswletter functionality of CE is the lack of dynamic mailing lists (dynamic target lists).
It is easy to add new entries to target lists, but you cannot remove contacts, or leads from the lists based on a criteria.
A dynamic report could be a solution. You can select the right contacts, leads in Advanced OpenReport, the only missing functionality is to have a checkbox: “dynamic”.

Would you like to have code contributions from the community in those topics (or in other topics)?

Hi Scutter,

We welcome all development work and contributions that come from the community. SuiteCRM is community driven and without it SuiteCRM will not thrive as an open source project. We do ask that all code submitted is to be open source(GPL3 License) and upgrade safe/compatible with current and future versions of SugarCRM to be included as a contribution and added to future versions of SuiteCRM.



Hi Will,

community can help you to make SuiteCRM even better, and you can help the community to set the focus on the required, most wanted contributions. Publication of 7.1 roadmap could clarify, what do you plan to develop in short term, and what will be still missing.

Don’t you plan to name your “wish list”?

Best regards

Hi Scutter,

We are in the process of writing a detailed wiki with full documentation, which will include a roadmap. We also plan to integrate functionality into the SuiteCRM website which will allow members of the community to commit to developing items on the roadmap.



Great, thanks.