Pages not loading for ModuleBuilder pages after upgrade to 7.11.8

I upgraded from 7.11.3 to 7.11.8 last night, and now it seems that whenever any user tries to access a page under the ModuleBuilder module (Studio, Dropdown Editor, Module Builder), the body of the page doesn’t load and we just get the header, left hand pane, and footer.

I’ve tried making sure the file ownerships were correct (chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/suitecrm) and I re-ran the upgrade “system check” which showed no file permissions issues. I also tried “Quick Repair and Rebuild”, but no joy.

Any ideas on what I might be missing here?

There is an update that is quite critical to apply if you’re running 7.11.8:

And then run a Admin / Repairs / Rebuild .htaccess

Sorry about this. This fix will be included in the next version 7.11.9 which is about to be released.