Own Logo in Suitecrm


I’ve already changed the logo/icon on the login page.

Now I’d like to set the logo/icon in the upper left corner. I tried to upload the picture at the System Settings. But there I recieve an Error: The file of
the image must be JPG or PNG. Upload a new file with the file extension .jpg or png.

I tried the upload with a .jpg and with a .kpng file. The image is 17 x 17 px, so very small and it should work according to the description on the left side.

Is there another way to place my image/logo inside SuiteCRM?

Tranks and regards

You should be able to do this with the following steps:

Copy the file _headerModuleList.tpl from themes/SuiteR/tpls/
and paste it in the directory location: custom/themes/SuiteR/tpls/
If this location doesn’t exist, then feel free to create it.

In this newly pasted _headerModuleList file, change line 42:
to point to an image file. For example:

You may need to change the height/width of the image, depending on the image’s size itself.
When you have done this, go to Admin > Repair and run “Quick Repair and Rebuild”
The image should show the next time you navigate to another page.

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