I read this Announcement https://store.suitecrm.com/docs/SuiteCRM-official-outlook-plugin/faq-v4 and am wondering where to get this plugin. Phases I and II should be done and Phase II completed within the coming days I assume. But there seems no place to dowqnalod it. Also I cannot find it in any repositiory.
Hi @christianknoll,
The plugin is still within active development by our in-house team. Keep an eye out for more information soon!
so is there an update on the planned schedule? The announcement said that right now phase III would be finished. Can you porovide an updated availability date for the three phases then? The info on the webpage seems outdated.
Furthermore - since it is supposed to be open source as stated in the announcement - where can I find the plugin in a public repository?
Why hello Christian, long time no see!
As Mac identified that we are still currently in development and going through feedback sessions from our customers and this has extended the schedule, but we’ll update this accordingly.
Don’t worry your wee head about whether its open source or not. It is and we will push it for everyone to enjoy from the SalesAgility repo (more likely https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM-Outlook-Plugin ) when launched. Are you keen to contribute?
Any update on when this will be available?
Ashley, always eager to help but also learn from th best. But really woud like to see how you solve some problems and if this is great we will adopt and use your pluigin also as an extension to SpiceCRM … just like many of your users use KReporter … depends on when your part is going to be ready. As we are on the same dev path this might indeed be intersting… so please keep us posted here …
one more question … I asume the new AddIn will be developed based on Angular? Is this correct? Since this is your stratgic direction? Angular 9 already?