Outlook Plugin is Awesome... however, one user's email is AutoArchived even though AutoArchive is off

Oh no! I have a user running the Outlook Plugin and his sent (and I’m guessing received) email is being auto-archived even though he has the check box for auto-archive set to off.

I know the plugin is in beta, but this is such a powerful tool that I use everyday, that I can’t tell one of my users he can’t use it!

Any Ideas,

Just An Aside:
Worse yet, there is no way to stop it besides uninstalling. Once you put good credentials in the configure interface, it won’t let you close the interface without a correct set of credentials.

Just occurred to me, he could probably change his password in SuiteCRM, and break connectivity. I’m not sure what kind of popup error messages he might get however.

Hi Sieberta,

As stated in another of your topics, in the coming weeks we will be launching a new version with LDAP and a host of bug-fixes.

Once released, we hope you’ll test and feed back any issues.

