Outlook Plugin and IRM

At the office we use Microsoft’s Information Rights Management (IRM) to control email visibility and access to files. For us this is a compliance issue, but limited mostly to transfer of information to clients and other involved parties. Archiving in our end, by ourselves, in SuiteCRM’s secure environment wouldn’t be a problem.

I however noticed that I can’t archive the messages that have IRM controls in place. I’m very unfamiliar with Graph API and all things related, so is it possible to “forcibly” archive even privileged/encrypted messages? If that’s a limitation of the API, has anyone come up with a way to archive those messages in some other way? Needless to say, missing some of the email correspondence with a client pretty much destroys the usability of email archiving, so I hope this isn’t a limitation on MS’s end. All team needs to see the messages, but I’m hoping to get rid of endless mail forwarding.

EDIT: Apparently message body can’t be accessed by Graph API (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53030290/microsoft-graph-api-mail-message-encryption). That is reasonable, but in our case creates a problem. Any ideas on working around this limitation?