Orders module

hello, i’m currently testing suitecrm 7.10.10. It is very easy to use but I can not find the customer order module. Our need is not to create orders directly from CRM but to import orders from our ERP to make them visible to our sales team when they are in client appointments.

Is there any integration of the command module or is there an option that I have not activated?

Thank you in advance.

Hi. Note that a CRM is not an ERP, and SuiteCRM is not an ERP, so there is limited functionality in the modules related to Sales.

Have a look at the Products, Quotes and Invoices modules, you might be able to do what you need from those. For example, Quotes can have a list of Products (line items), so you can reproduce the Order information there.

Also consider a simpler solution, like just writing out the Order as text and adding it as a Note.


I fully understand that a CRM is not an ERP and we do not aim to use CRM to replace our ERP.

The goal is to provide accurate information to our sales team, whether for sedentary or for those in the field in direct contact with our customers.

The Quote is the first step, this quote is either pre-entry in the CRM for imported into the ERP. If this quote is transformed into a command then it should appear in the CRM. In this way, during a client appointment, our sales representative can see and consult the orders in progress with his client. I remind you that the idea is not to enter order from the CRM but only to consult the orders and their status: values, shipped from our warehouses … Moreover having a dedicated module would generate reports.

I tried to apply the quote module because, actually, it is very close to an order but unfortunately it did not work.