Order Query - Is this possible in SuiteCRM

Hi There,

I am a newbie so hopefully I am posting this in the correct area.

I wish to use SuiteCRM as it ticks alot of the boxes straight out of the box.

I do have a query that I am hoping someone can help with or point me in the right direction.

What I wish to achieve:

  1. Our customers have a account code, this is handled perfectly with the account importer.
  2. Our customers place orders in a different system that has a order ID for example (SORD12457)
  3. So each day I would like to do an import for the accounts that purchased so the we have a record of which accounts purchase frequently etc.

Any ideas if this is possible in SuiteCRM or a module that would fit the bill ?
My inital thought would be if the orders could be imported as closed leads or something ?

Thanks for your help.

Hi, welcome.

Have a look at the Products module (and Product Categories, and Invoices). You will likely find nice ways to do it there.

Another possible candidate module for this would be Opportunities, although you would probably not use the several stages, and just jump directly to closed.