Order of import items

Iā€™m having trouble importing Accounts from a CSV exported from Salesforce in 2019. Iā€™ve ordered the columns so they match the SuiteCRM template (+ an extra custom column) but I encounter errors on import. Judging from otherā€™s experiences, itā€™s probably down to the data itself.

So my actual question: in what order does the import proceed? Itā€™s vaguely according to each row of my CSV but that doesnā€™t seem the case. The first few are missing. Then I get a bunch in alphabetical order. Then it jumps and I might get a few moreā€¦

I want to know because if there was some logic behind it I could predict what the next (and therefore problematic) entry is. But it doesnā€™t seem like SuiteCRM goes through the CSV sequentially?!?

Hello Terence,

as for the columns, it basically doesnā€™t matter in which order you are building your columns up for the import.


will work either way.

As for the rows, why would you need an alphabetical order?
If the import is missing a few rows, itā€™s maybe due to the data / CSV format?

One popular issue is, to have the quotes or column separator (maybe " and ; ) inside your fields and the CSV could some broken.

And if you have 17 rows in your CSV (16 + header), then you ought to have 16 new records in your CRM after the import (unless youā€™re doing upserts / updates).

You can sort them by name, phone, ID and whatever fits you in the list view.

Check out this video for a walkthrough:

Thanks for your reply.

I donā€™t need the data to be in orderā€¦ I donā€™t really care how it gets imported of course, but I was hoping if the import was sequential then it would be easier for me to see what row failed. That said, it was a misguided assertion on my part!

Iā€™ve tried importing a smaller data set and figured out which rows were failing: some ā€œTypeā€ items mismatched, which iā€™ve fixed by using the Dropdown Editor.

Now I just need to figure out why it only imports 100 rows despite my override to 6,000ā€¦

I see, thanks for clarifying.

After the import at step 5, you can see a summary with a ā€œlogā€ of the generated errors:


But it might be, that if your ā€œCSV is brokenā€ / import data doesnā€™t match the expected format, that the import skips or breaks for individual records without error log.

So yes, best to get the CSV really clean before attempting the import.

Maybe your upload file size is set to lower value in php.ini file? :face_with_peeking_eye: :thinking:

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 512M

; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 512M

@tcpman glad you found solution!