Order by issue with Leads


I faced a strange behavior with default sorting in my Leads listview
Basically, SuiteCRM sorting all modules listview by date created
But my Leads module has strange behavior
But every time I opening Leads listview I see ā€˜sorted descendingā€™ with the wrong icon and real sorted by ā€˜sorted ascendingā€™

Please see the screenshot. It showed ā€˜sorted descendingā€™ by in real it was ā€˜sorted ascendingā€™
Also, it seems like ā€˜hardcodedā€™ even though I refresh the page, logout or change sorting by filter or clicked on the other column in the next time I opened Leads listview I see only my ā€˜wrong sortedā€™


Maybe anyone here was faced with a familiar issue
I have no errors in console or logs, suitecrm 7.15.18 / PHP 7.3
I have a lot of customizing my SuiteCRM include Leads module via Studio (add a new custom field, relationship, etc)

Hey there,

I assume you are still experiencing this?

I just wanted to let you know that this has been previously raised on the Github repository, so you can keep tabs on its progress:

(Assuming this wasnā€™t yourself that raised it!)



A have already seen this topic and left my comment there
This bug is still exist
Will wait for the progressā€¦

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Have you got any solution for this?