Opt-out translate

How to add a language in SuiteCRM to translate opt-out message in e-mails?

It should be in the EmailMan module the english version is here:-


look for TXT_REMOVE_ME

Ok, I created hr_hr.lang.php for Croatian in modules/EmailMan/language/hr_hr.lang.php

But when I go to Administration/Languages there is no Croatian to select (Drag and Drop).

Where did I go wrong?

you would need to add an entry for your language in the config, look for en_us in the config for an example,

Ok, shuld I add new language as default language:

  'default_language' => 'hr_hr',

and also in

    array (
    'en_us' => 'English (US)',
    'es_es' => 'Español (ES)',
    'ru_ru' => 'Русский (RU)',
	'hr_hr' => 'Hrvatski (HR)',

Is this ok or only one of this enough?

you only need the second one, but the default language is up to you

How to translate opt out message:

You have elected to opt out of receiving emails

Where is this language string?

I found it :slight_smile:


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