Opt-in checkbox do not show in user edit view


We have configured “Opted In” in the Opt In Settings option in Emails Settings and SuiteCRM shows an additional checkbox to the two that it usually shows accompanying the Email Address field in contacts, accounts and leads, but it does not do the same in Users.

Also, in the Users module we see that the Opted Out and Invalid options are not shown either, and a checkbox called Reply-to is shown.

Is this the expected behavior?

If a campaign is sent where there are users in the default target list, SuiteCRM excludes the sendings to the users because they have not-opt-in configured by default in the database.

At this moment we see two possible solutions:

  1. Modify the behavior so that when a user and an email are related, opt-in is configured as the default value.
  2. Show the Opted Out, Invalid and Opted In options in the users’ editing view.

Finally, what function does the Reply-to checkbox serve in the User’s email?


  1. No opt-out on Users. I believe it’s because the original Sugar 6.5 CE didn’t allow Users to “opt-out” of emails because it’s essential to their job to receive notification emails of case assignment, account assignment, etc. Only for external people (Targets / Contacts / Accounts, etc) is Suite legally required to provide the option to opt-out of email - based on national email laws, GDPR, etc.

  2. Reply-to checkbox on Users email. I believe this is, when the User send an email, so that the User select which email address(es) will be available as a Reply-To for their email. When the Receiver of their email click Reply, the “To” in the Receiver’s message will be the email address which the User selected when composing the original email.

May I ask for you business case to require users with an Opt-out option?

I’ve just been in a project, where externals (basically something like customers / leads) where supposed to have users account in the CRM.
But after a lot of testing, we decided against it and have an integrated customer portal (with Drupal) for those customers and leads.

Still, those customers / leads of specific types are still entered int he customers and leads module in the CRM. With some settings, the integration to the portal is being triggered.

So on the CRM side of things, you can work with the data like with the standard (campaigns, target lists, opt-outs etc.)
On the portal those users have features and functionalitiy which exceed those of the CRM and shield the CRM from view basically.
And all this with a brand consistent design and UX.