Opportunity created time gets updated

Whenever I update an opportunity, opportunity created date also gets updated. What can be the issue?

Hey there,

hmmm, that’s definitely out of the ordinary

What version of SuiteCRM are you using by chance?

I assume this is the out of the box “Date Created” field, with no customizations?

Also, It would be worth checking that there are no Workflows or Logichooks running in the background that could be updating this field.

Do you know if there are any that could be running?

In log I am getting error Field opportunity_created_time_c expecting datetime format, but got value.

And I checked on console opportunity_created_time value comes as null that’s why it is getting updated everytime as I have applied logic if on update opportunity_created_time is empty then update it to current time.

opportunity_created_time_c is a custom field, it’s not the default date_created SuiteCRM field.

Check if you have any Workflows or Logic hooks handling that custom field - you probably do.