open_basedir restriction in effect - language pack not working


I have installed sutieCRM on my website. everything works fine, except the installation of the Dutch language pack. When I try to upload the file, I get the following error :

Warning: tempnam() [function.tempnam]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/srv:/tmp/upload:/dev/shm:/var/php5/lib/php:/var/php5.3/etc) in /srv/aaverkl/www/domainname/bartscrm/include/utils/file_utils.php on line 103
Specified directory ‘’ for zip file ‘upload://’ extraction does not exist.

Any ideas ?


Just an update: In the end I never found a way to use the upload function. I now just copied the files through FTP and added Dutch nl-NL to the languages in my config.php file. This finally worked !

Regards, Arno

You have a open_basedir restriction in effect for the folder /tmp

Install a new language - TranslatingSuiteCRM -