Open Admin etc.


I just have installed v7.1.4 and there is no open admin, security groups, quickCRM, maps etc. in administration panel.
Is is something with my installation or these modules are not fully available anymore with SuiteCRM?


Hi Onyx,

It is recommended to run a Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair after installation. Execute any changes(you will see these at the bottom once the repair has completed).

You will also need to ensure permissions are correctly set.



Hi Will,

thank you for quick response.
I understand that admin panel should have the same options like in v7.1.1?
I was wondering if anything did not change, beacuse I have noticed, that AOS, AOW etc. are not free anymore.

Repair did not change anything. Which files/folders permissions should I check?

Many thanks.

Hi Onyx,

Nothing has been removed. SuiteCRM 7.1.4 has MORE bug fixes and enhancements than 7.1.1.

You will need to set the permissions for your environment. What is your server/db set up?

