One-to-many relationship structure

hello everyone

Is anybody knows why SuiteCRM use so different structure between relate field and one-to-many relationship? I mean relate field just add self row in Database like “relate_id_c” and placed their data. But one-to-many relationship use for mapping separate table like account_contact where placed ID, Account_ida, Contact_idb
Are there any critical technical reasons?
I found Marnus’s developer tools that provide functionality to change one-to-many structure so I think it’s not for technical reasons?

I asked because too many functions I found in Suitecrm which perfect working with relate filed but not working with one-to-many
for example - workflow module Calculated field Action - provide relate fields parameter but not one-to-many relationship

These are two different ways of relating data, I guess both have their pros and cons, so both ended up being used.

You are right that not every part of the code in SuiteCRM handles them equally. There are parts which are prepared to traverse one kind of relationship but not the others (it can get a bit complex). :man_shrugging: