One contact to many accounts

Hola comunidad Suitecrm,
tengo un problema y espero que me puedan ayudar.

El tema es asi, tengo casos donde un contacto es referente de varios cuentas, (llamados sucursales, sedes, sitios…etc)

Al crear 3 cuentas (Cuenta A, Cuenta B, Cuenta C) y hago la relacion con un contacto, en la vista lista del modulo Contacts veo el mismo contacto x3 (se triplica en la vista, pero no la BD)

En cambio, si accedo al Admin/Studio y creo la relacion contacts many to many accounts, me agrega un segundo subpanel llamado contacts. Uno lo utilizo para los contactos de esa sede y el segundo subpanel para el referente de todas las sedes, pero ese camino me sobrecarga la vista de subpaneles.

Hay alguna solucion mas limpia, clara e intuitiva para estos casos???

Muchas gracias

This will probably help you understand some peculiarities

I’d not change the architecture of those core modules - and ideally not as well how you use them.
You’ve got a couple of standard features down the road (in the quotes, invoices etc.) which require you to use the standard relationship between contacts and accounts.

You’ve seen the “Member of” field in the accounts?
Usually, I use that for the relationship between branches and headquarters.

You could remove the account field from the contacts layout. But you can’t / shouldn’t delete the standard (n:m) relationship.

Since we should always avoid duplicate data / contacts, you’re using the right approach.
There needs to be another relationship between contacts and accounts.

Check out further details on that “special” relationship:
and in pgrs articles in the section ‘Exceptionally, a Contact can belong to several accounts’.