ODOO to SuiteCRM


I was looking to the demo and it has some solid advantages…

However there are some limitations that i cant find how they are solved on suiteCRM

a) Photo / Logo on partner / contacts
b) A mudule for events / trainning
c) Tagging

The reporting is though far better



a) There’s an image field in the SuiteCRM Studio, you can add it in what ever module you want
b) I Don’t know ODOO so I can’t come up with anything on this
c) There are paid add-on at the SuiteCRM store that can do this

best regards

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There is image field option which you can add in any module to have that feature. There is an event module available. The plus point is entire CRM is customizable as per the needs, I feel possibilities are endless. Feel free to share your thoughts and we can incorporate with ODOO.

For tagging you can check for tagMe

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Thanks for the feedback!

What about upgrades…we are stuck at odoo 7.

I made the manual upgrade from 6 to 7 and was a nightmare. Although the data was the same the complex database structure makes virtually impossible to make an auto upgrade even from a stock install. even the country codes seems to change from version to version making data transformation compulsory.

As the functionalities decrease i have less and less will to make the upgrade.

How are the upgrades on suiteCRM?



Upgrades in SuiteCRM are smooth. If you havn’t done any unupgradesafe customization (Core file changes).