Numerous errors output after fresh installation of SuiteCRM 7.7.8

Many errors during and after fresh installation of SuiteCRM 7.7.8.

First a vent: I canā€™t believe how problematic this program is to install. And I know itā€™s not just me, because most of the errors Iā€™ve encountered during installation (We have to edit our php.ini files to suppress error reporting? Really???) seem to be well documented on this forum.

Well, I got past those errors (or, at least, hid them), and then I tried adding a new account, then adding a new ā€œindustryā€ entry to the Industries dropdown using Studio-> Fields. The new industry entry didnā€™t show up, and I got some kind of ā€œundefined indexā€ error in a popup div.

So, I went through the hassle of changing the folder permissions to 755, then I did a quick repairā€¦then another quick repairā€¦then I edited the config file to include:

ā€˜default_permissionsā€™ =>
array (
ā€˜dir_modeā€™ => 1517,
ā€˜file_modeā€™ => 420,
ā€˜userā€™ => ā€˜www-dataā€™,
ā€˜groupā€™ => ā€˜www-dataā€™,

Then when that didnā€™t work I tried a re-install.

Now I get many more errors, like dozens of them, that look like this:

Warning: chown(): Unable to find uid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 335

Warning: chgrp(): Unable to find gid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 364

Warning: chown(): Unable to find uid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 335

Warning: chgrp(): Unable to find gid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 364

and further down the page,

Warning: chown(): Unable to find uid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 335

Warning: chgrp(): Unable to find gid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 364

Warning: chown(): Unable to find uid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 335

Warning: chgrp(): Unable to find gid for www-data in /home/content/54/7550xxx/html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 364

Well, those examples should pretty much state my discontent at the moment.

How do you have your cron jobs set up? Sometimes they mess up installations, especially if running as root.

Try this command:

sudo crontab -l -u root

and tell me the results here, please.

Alright, now that I have things working, I can more fully explain my environment. This is on a GoDaddy shared hosting server, one of the older plans with no command line access, and no CPanel. PHP 5.4. LAMP. I know what a cron job is, but I donā€™t have any cron jobs set up.

I donā€™t see how I can run any sudo command.

I added this to my .htaccess file:

php_value error_reporting 30711

I added this to my root index.php and config.php:

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE);

And now Iā€™m not seeing any errors. Theyā€™re probably there, just not being reported. Which, from everything Iā€™ve read about SuiteCRM, is ā€œnormalā€.

So how did you install SuiteCRM on that Godaddy hosting, with no cpanel and no console access?

If your Schedulers (see Adminā€“>Schedulers) are running, that means that cron is configured. If you didnā€™t configure it, somebody else did, and I wonder if it is configured correctly.

Well, basically I downloaded the package, unzipped it, used FTP to upload it to a suitecrm directory, and ran the install.php.

Iā€™ve never set up cron on my own GoDaddy account, and I didnā€™t know it was a prerequisite to installing SuiteCRM.

Ah, FTP, I should have thought of that.

The cron configuration is more of a post-requisite : - ) youā€™re supposed to do it after installation ends.

Some functionalities will be unavailable to you unless you configure it (AOD Index for global search results, email reminders and notifications, and a few more).

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I see, thanks. I gues Iā€™ll be getting to that after I figure out how to use the Outlook plugin without getting errors.