Notification on complaints module


Is it possible to get a notification message to the assigned person once x amount of complaints/time occurs

Ex: X user should get a notification when complaints occur up10 from his/her account

Please Advise

Using the basic AOW this would not be possible

Hi @TaufiqueAhmed,

Thank you so much for your response.

Hi just coming back to this

What I was referring to was not possible is

So if user has 10 complaints - send notification = no

If user has 1 complaint - send notification = yes

If user has 1 complaint - +10 days (date created) = yes

workflow module - complaint
type - Schedule
Condition - date created + 10days(eg)
Action - send email to assigned user

I guess you could have a custom field for a counter, have one Workflow to increment the counter, and a separate Workflow to send email when it reaches 10…

Hi @pgr,

Thank you for your recommendation, and if you don’t mind can you explain it to me by giving an example?

Hi @TaufiqueAhmed,

Thank you so much for coming back again. Also, I got your point and I will test and see how it works for me.