Notification is not working

Not an emergency, We only have 3-5 users who use it at the moment. Informed them there would be downtime, and I can revert to a working 5.4 php with the click of a button. Are there any other windows based admins on the forum? I have enough of a linux base to run one on it, just not what we have running by default at our work.

Is there a way to access the error log? I think its missing a DLL, just not sure which one.

Hey guys - just wanted to share my progress incase anyone else runs into this. I went to the actual PHP application and attempted to run it, ended up getting an error telling me the file MSVCR110.dll is missing from my computer. Currently downloading the Windows Visual C++ Redistributable.

nice to see that you got that working, what about notification system?

best regards

Notifications still dont appear to be working. Any other ideas? I just dont understand what would stop ONLY notifications from workings and nothing else.

Could this be the issue?