Notes with Rich Text

Has anyone here successfully modified the Notes to use the TinyMCE editor (or any other method of rich text input, forthat matter)? I’ve followed the directions here (my preferred method), and I’ve tried this plugin as well, with the same effect: I can get html to be properly rendered in the detail view, and I can get the TinyMCE editor to work in the edit view, but every time I click the “save” button, my browser just says “waiting for domain.tld…” and then eventually I get a white page. There are no errors logged on my server, and there isn’t even anything in the access log while I’m waiting for the save to go through, so I’m not really sure where to go from here. The TinyMCE editor works fine with the Knowledge Base module, so I don’t think it’s a problem with the server configuration.

Well, I had to update that server today, and after rebooting, both solutions work perfectly fine. Maybe there was some kind of caching issue that the “quick repair and rebuild” didn’t fix?