Not able to add dashlet to Home page

Hello all

We are using SuiteCRM 7.10.9 after the last upgrade. We are trying to add a default dashlet from the ones you can find in the Dashlet list that SuiteCRM offers by default.

The problem is that when I click in the dashlet I select, nothing hapens, and if I click several times I get an error message that says that “I have reached the mas number of dashlets defined by the admin”. I have increased this number of dashlets allowed, and also I have removed some dashlets from the home page, but when I try to add this new dashlet, nothing happens.

Any suggestion please?


First, I advise waiting quite a while after clicking to add Dashlets - normally it’s pretty quick but I’ve seen cases where takes a few seconds.

Then, test with a different user (or even a newly created user) to see if the problem is with some corruption on your user’s profile.

It would also be interesting to know if the problem persists in other browsers, and if there are any errors in your browser’s developer console.


I have used three browsers (IE, Chrome and Firefox) and after waiting a while (2 or 3 mins) the dashlet is not loading. Also I have used several users to try this with the same result

The messages I get in the console of each browser are

IE: SCRIPT5007: No se puede obtener la propiedad ‘style’ de referencia nula o sin definir - MySugar.js (68,497)

Chrome: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
MySugar.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:68 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘style’ of null
at Object. (MySugar.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:68)
at Object. (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2)
at j (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2)
at x (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4)
at XMLHttpRequest. (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4)
(anonymous) @ MySugar.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:68
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
j @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
fireWith @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
x @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
load (async)
send @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
ajax @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
(anonymous) @ MySugar.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:68
j @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
fireWith @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
x @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
load (async)
send @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
ajax @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
addDashlet @ MySugar.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:61
onclick @ index.php?module=Home&action=index:1
index.php:1 GET http://myip/index.php?entryPoint=getImage&imageName=Reunións.gif 404 (Not Found)
Image (async)
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
domManip @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
append @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
n.access @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
html @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:21
j @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
fireWith @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
x @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
load (async)
send @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
ajax @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
Alerts.updateManager @ sugar_grp1.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:19
updateMissed @ sugar_grp1.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:22
index.php:1 GET http://myip/index.php?entryPoint=getImage&imageName=Reunións.gif 404 (Not Found)
Image (async)
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
domManip @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
append @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
n.access @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
html @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:3
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:21
j @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
fireWith @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:2
x @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
(anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
load (async)
send @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
ajax @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:4
Alerts.updateManager @ sugar_grp1.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:19
updateMissed @ sugar_grp1.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:22
setTimeout (async)
updateMissed @ sugar_grp1.js?v=6-SpEtDlITX-OLoBS4R9KQ:22
index.php:1 GET http://myip/index.php?entryPoint=getImage&imageName=Reunións.gif 404 (Not Found)


[Mostrar/ocultar detalles del mensaje.] TypeError: dashletEntire is null[Saber más] MySugar.js:68:497
unreachable code after return statement[Saber más]

Any suggestion??

thanks a lot once more!

I would try several repairs from Admin / Repairs, including anything related to Javascript…

Hello there
I have used all Admin/Repair options, but still same situation. Do we have someone getting this to work in this version?


Despite this being a Javascript error, it might very well be caused by a previous server-side error.

So if you can please check both your logs…


Pay attention to the timestamps, look for things happening when you attempt to add the Dashlet, or before, when it’s generating the Home Page.