No Print PDF option on Contacts or Accounts

Hello everyone, I have been using SuiteCRM 6 and the time has come to upgrade to version 8. I did a factory installation of SuiteCrm 8.5. As I use PDF templates a lot, in this new version I also made some templates. However, in the accounts module and contacts module, the “Print as Pdf” option does not appear. Am I doing something wrong? I did it exactly as I do in SuiteCRM 6.
Captura de ecrĂŁ de 2024-04-16 23-35-39

Unless it’s something missing in SuiteCRM 8, if my memory serves me correctly, you must create a PDF template for this purpose first, then the option will be available.

Hello pstevens.
Many thanks for the reply. Yes, I have some templates created for contacts and accounts, as shown in the attached image. But the problem is that the “Print as PDF” option still doesn’t appear in contacts or accounts. It doesn’t even appear in mass actions. Is it because I imported the contacts and accounts from my SuiteCRM 6 installation? I’ve also done a “quick repair” and it still doesn’t appear.

I suspect this is a bug. I just tried in SuiteCRM 7.14 and it doesn’t work either.

Actually, the buttton is there with no label on it. When you click the blank button it does actually pull the template.

In SuiteCRM 8 I have the option:


Thank you so much for your answer. Could you please try the contacts or accounts module in SuiteCrm 8 and see if the option appears? Thank you very much.

@eugenelx yes it works no problem in SuiteCRM 8 on my end. I’m on 8.5.0

Thank you very much for your time. There must be a problem with my installation. I will install again. Thanks.

Before you go and re-install, it couldn’t hurt to re-set your file permissions and then do a repair and rebuild and see if that fixes it. That’s always my go to for unknown problems and works like 90% of the time.

Thank you for the tip. I’ll do that, and post the result here, in case anyone else has this problem. Thank you very much for your time and availability.