No documents under Collaboration

first of all great job ! Love the CRM

I have a problem with documents. Under Collaboration as in ur demo is no ā€œdocumentsā€ . see attached image. What did i wrong?
Set all permissions as in the manual. Upgraded to the latest version. thX for ur help in advance


You can configure what modules appear in the menu in the admin section under ā€œConfigure Module Menu Filtersā€. This can be used to add documents to the collaboration menu (although Iā€™m not sure why itā€™s not appearing there already).

Hope this helps,

thX for the promply reply. I checked it out. It appears in the config box but not shown in the menu. Any idea? look screenshot attached


Itā€™s possible the module has been hidden, can you check ā€˜Display Modules and Subpanelsā€™ in admin? If this still doesnā€™t work I would check the permissions of your SuiteCRM instance.


it was hidden ! My goodness! Looked hours for an error. Jim u r a genius ! many many thX for ur help. So if i can help the commuity let me now.
Im PHP developer and half german/british. May i can work on the language files to translate them to german

what a brilliant support !