No data in combobox in AOS

PLZ, help fix bug in combobox.

User/edit/extAcc/Create - no data in Application: * combo.
Repair steps yet do, but it dont help.

We need more information.

Is this a custom drop down?

Does it have any values?

Can you show the screen shot of the drop down field details in Admin -> Studio?

Thank you for reply, Will.

Its not a custom drop down, and i cant find this in Studio.
I try to create a new external account from Edit Ueser menu for advanced open portal.
Admin / Users / edit User / external Account / Create . You can see screen shot with no data in drop down. I`m install suite on different server this bug have place too.

Thank you for reply, Will.

Its not a custom drop down, and i cant find this in Studio.
I try to create a new external account from Edit Ueser menu for advanced open portal.
Admin / Users / edit User / external Account / Create . You can see screen shot with no data in drop down. I`m install suite on different server this bug have place too.

There are no External Accounts connectors/applications for SuiteCRM/SugarCRM CE. This was a SugarCRM Pro feature.



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