NO Advanced OpenReports option


I’m new with working SuiteCRM. I installed SuiteCRM MAX latested version.
Everthing is working but NOT adding Chart Dashlet.

I looked in Advanced OpenAdmin and see there’s NO OpenReports option.

What did i do wrong? Do i need tot install this seprately? Where can i find this?


Hi there,

There is no admin option for AOR as it is not required. The ‘Reports’ module is the AOR module.



How are you trying to add the dashlet reports? Are you getting any errors?


On start screen i select: Add Dashlets and select Basic Chart like Outcome by month.
Then i get an error.

Then i get an error “FAIL”

When I create an Report I don’t see any option tot create an Chart by mijself. That why i thougt maybey there some settings wrong.

Remark: beacuse we are a dutch company i’m tranlating via studio Fielnames etc. Could this be the cause?

Kind regards
