Next to Upgrade from SuiteCRM 7.6.10 to 7.7.x or upper It’s not posible to store emails address in any Module like Leads and Contacts. In Edit Mode it seems to be able to do it but finally any email address is stored. The same problem occur when I try to modify an existent email address. I tried with the last five versions but it doesn’t work!!!
Is it necessary to upgrade the PHP Version?
My SuiteCRM instance is running on:
Windows Server 2008
SuiteCRM: 7.6.10
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.5.16
Apache: 2.0
Perhaps suiteCRM tries to store the emailaddress as direct property of the (User/Contact/Employee) object in the broke case 1, while it should store in a separate object (probably referred to by ‘seed_jim_id’ in the working case 2.