Newsletter Catch-22

Is it just me, or is adding existing leads to a newsletter a catch-22 because the web-to-leads form is going to collect new leads (and doesn’t actually add them to anything).

In other words, how can a database of hundreds of already inputted leads be sent an invitation to opt-in to a newsletter? There is no customer self-service, manage subscriptions, features… is there?

Hi gnurob,

Can you elaborate on the issue? Do you want leads to be able to opt in to more than one campaign, change the campaign they are opted into?




In a campaign e-mail, the Leads should have an easy link to opt-in to a news letter (which I assume also means a contain campaign for that newsletter).

Thanks for asking

No, no way to send a link to an existing leading inviting them to sign up for a newsletter?

(I won’t subscribe them, and leave it to them to unsubscribe to the first issue they receive.)

Just curious, this one is dead right? No way to do it?
