Newbie request for help setting up a test environment on Debian 9


Apologies in advance for the idiot questions. I’m trying to learn this as I go but am not a coder. Perhaps a bit stupid and dangers but I want to help out. :silly:

I have an instance of SuiteCRM 7.9.10 running on a fresh Debian 9 install.
ie. Debian 9; Apache 2.4.25; mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.26-MariaDB; PHP 7.0.27

I would like to test some of the fixes that have been contributed to git but as I’ve worked through that I found I’m really early on the learning curve and can’t fix things properly.

I understand that I need a way to run sass compiler.

So I have installed (originally not in this order): (1) gcc (2) ruby & then tried (3) sass.

apt-get install gcc

apt-get install ruby`ruby -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION[/\d+\.\d+/]'`-dev

gem install sass --no-user-install

This fails with

sh: 1: make: not found

I presume that my backwards install probably didn’t allow for some link to make to be created.

What is the best way to fix this and get this sass to install?

Thanks in advance.

OK, after a bit of flailing about I think I have it now. (Well it installed without issues)

So this might help other newbies.

Install stuff to run sass compiler for SuiteCRM

install gcc first

apt-get install gcc

install recommended other packages

apt-get install gcc-multilib make autoconf automake libtool flex bison gdb gcc-doc

then install ruby

apt-get install ruby`ruby -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION[/\d+\.\d+/]'`-dev

then install sass

gem install sass --no-user-install

If it works right, you should get this:

# gem install sass --no-user-install
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed ffi-1.9.18
Fetching: rb-inotify-0.9.10.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rb-inotify-0.9.10
Fetching: sass-listen-4.0.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sass-listen-4.0.0
Fetching: sass-3.5.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sass-3.5.5
Parsing documentation for ffi-1.9.18
Installing ri documentation for ffi-1.9.18
Parsing documentation for rb-inotify-0.9.10
Installing ri documentation for rb-inotify-0.9.10
Parsing documentation for sass-listen-4.0.0
Installing ri documentation for sass-listen-4.0.0
Parsing documentation for sass-3.5.5
Installing ri documentation for sass-3.5.5
Done installing documentation for ffi, rb-inotify, sass-listen, sass after 25 seconds
4 gems installed

Now that is done, what else do I need to do?

I don’t know about Debian, but I find it strange you had to deal with gcc and make just to install a sass compiler. You should be able to get one already in binary form, not source code.

See how easy it is in Ubuntu in the relevant section here:

Now, you ask what else you need to do? To achieve what? I’m not sure I know where you’re going (besides learning, which is a good thing). :slight_smile:

Thanks @pgr for all your help.

I’m trying to learn what to do if I make changes or customizations, or attempt to fix bugs that I come across. (I tend to try stuff and then break it but without knowing how to get the changes to show up …)
I need some baby steps since I’m pretty lost when reading the SuiteCRM Developer book. But I’d like to get to a point where I understand what Jim Mackin is talking about in that book.
So I’d like to know where I can read something about changing code, and how to get it to show up properly in my test install. I realize I need to read or do some tutorials on php, figure out this beans business and how this sass works.