New to SuiteCRM, please help to fix the issue !!

Hi All,

I’m relatively new in customizing SuiteCRM, I’m having a problem:
Other things being created normally but when I try to create a new Meeting the error loads saying “Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.”.
I tried Quick Repair & Rebuild, creating many to many relationship with the leads module but still can’t solve this issue. My sugarcrm.log file shows this error.

Please help !!!

Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [186472][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR:Not a valid SMTP resource supplied
Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [186472][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed:
Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [186472][1][FATAL] Notifications: error sending e-mail (method: smtp), (error: The following From address failed:
Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [186472][1][FATAL] Error inserting into table: meetings: Query Failed: INSERT INTO meetings (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,description,deleted,assigned_user_id,location,join_url,host_url,creator,external_id,duration_hours,duration_minutes,date_start,date_end,parent_type,status,type,parent_id,reminder_time,email_reminder_time,email_reminder_sent,sequence,repeat_interval)
VALUES (‘b26d076c-ef88-fe57-6f19-5656e04f5909’,‘Jamshed’,‘2015-11-26 10:36:19’,‘2015-11-26 10:36:19’,‘1’,‘1’,’’,0,‘aaa62dfd-2a90-6823-497f-5656d7c5128b’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,0,15,‘2015-11-26 10:45:00’,‘2015-11-26 11:00:00’,‘Leads’,‘Planned’,‘Sugar’,‘3bcd2a23-bded-9a46-8ad5-5654566d2b00’,1800,-1,0,0,1): MySQL error 2006: MySQL server has gone away
Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [175104][-none-][FATAL] Retrieving record by id users:1 found Query Failed: SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE = ‘1’ AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1: MySQL error 2006: MySQL server has gone away
Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [190405][-none-][FATAL] Retrieving record by id users:1 found Query Failed: SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE = ‘1’ AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1: MySQL error 2006: MySQL server has gone away
Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [194023][-none-][FATAL] Retrieving record by id users:1 found Query Failed: SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE = ‘1’ AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1: MySQL error 2006: MySQL server has gone away
Thu Nov 26 10:38:20 2015 [194058][-none-][FATAL] Retrieving record by id users:1 found Query Failed: SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE = ‘1’ AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1: MySQL error 2006: MySQL server has gone away

This sounds like an issue with your hosting : “MySQL server has gone away” rather than a query failure.

Mysql Server timed out and closed the connection or the Server dropped an incorrect or too large packet. If mysqld gets a packet that is too large or incorrect, it assumes that something has gone wrong with the client and closes the connection.

Hi there,

Sounds like your MySQL requires adjusting. Usually setting the max_allowed_packet in the MySQL config usually sorts out the mysql server has gone away issue.

Try setting it to 16M