Cases created by an inbound email are being created, but with a CLOSED state and CLOSED status. Thoughts?
I had this issue, I just went into studio and changed the default value for the state field in cases to ‘Open’, its seemed to be ‘Closed’ by default, hope this helps.
Thanks Daman. I tried this too before posting, but my setting won’t hold. I think it may be due to the fact that the state and status are interdependent on one another?
if your setting won’t hold, its highly likely that the permissions are wrong on your custom folder
I’m also experiencing the same behavior, double checked that the permissions were set as recommended below:
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
No dice, when i try changing the default state value in studio it reverts back to closed. MSHANE-were you able to correct behavior by changing permissions to any particular file/folder?
Hi Felix,
Have you set your owner/group user to apache? This may be causing permissions issues if it is not set to the correct owner. This will be fixed in the next bug fix release.
I have done the same. chmod and chown both recursively. My setting does not hold either. As soon as I change the default the studio, go back in… it is back to CLOSED. These drop downs (state and status) have a relationship and dependency on each other. I suspect something there is causing the issue.
Hi there,
This will be fixed in the next bug fix release of SuiteCRM(ver 7.0.2).
I came here from this thread.
Something different that I tried (besides changing the default value from inside studio) was changing the default state value to ‘Open’ in the file
Since neither this worked, is there any work-arround we can use till the next bug fix release ?
When will the new bug fix release come out?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Hi George,
You need to check your permissions on your SuiteCRM instance are correct. The recommended permissions are as follows:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
Thanks Will,
I made sure that the permissions are correct.
Here are the steps I followed:
- Edited the line 129 of the file custom/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs/vardefs.ext.php and changed the default from 'Closed to ‘Open’ :
120 $dictionary["Case"]["fields"]['state'] =
121 array (
122 'name' => 'state',
123 'vname' => 'LBL_STATE',
124 'type' => 'enum',
125 'options' => 'case_state_dom',
126 'len' => 100,
127 'audited' => true,
128 'comment' => 'The state of the case (i.e. open/closed)',
129 'default' => 'Open',
130 'parentenum' => 'status',
131 'merge_filter' => 'disabled',
132 );
I saved my changes and opened again the file to make sure that my changes were applied.
- I changed the file permissions again to be sure that they are correct. I had no errors running the commands that you posted:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data
sudo chmod -R 755 ./
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
I checked again and my changes in custom/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs/vardefs.ext.php were still there.
I did a ‘Quick Repair and Rebuild’ from the admin panel
Checked again in custom/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs/vardefs.ext.php and the value of ‘default’ was changed back to ‘Closed’ again !
I just noticed the following lines inside vardefs.ext.php :
49 // created: 2014-01-09 18:35:06
50 $dictionary['Case']['fields']['state']['default']='Open';
51 $dictionary['Case']['fields']['state']['comments']='The state of the case (i.e. open/closed)';
52 $dictionary['Case']['fields']['state']['audited']=false;
I think that the date and time in the line 49 may be the last time that I tried to make a change from studio.
Any ideas ?
Here is something that I did as a temporary work-arround which of course is not a real solution:
I edited the file
and changed
423 'default' => 'Closed',
423 'default' => 'Open',
and the changes were applied for new cases. The problem is that if for some reason I run ‘Quick Repair and Rebuild’ the changes are lost again.
Is there any other file were the ‘default’ => ‘Closed’ is stored ?
Hi George,
'default' => 'Closed',
is also located in custom/Extension/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs/cases_aop_case_updates.php.
Does changing this resolve your issue?
Just after my last post I did a grep and found the same file (you were faster though ) and yes! changing custom/Extension/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs/cases_aop_case_updates.php finally made the change persist even after running ‘Quick Repair and Rebuild’.
Thanks again Will!