New Theme - I want to Vomit!

OMG, why have you forced this terrible theme on us for 7.9?

I hated it in the beginning and hate it now.

I just want simple blue and white.

What you fail to see is that I run my windows in an RD Tabs session.

To accommodate all the tabs for multiple RD sessions, the screen is slightly smaller and scaled.

This causes SuiteCRm theme to pixelate and is very hard to read.

The older themes did not pixelate.

I find the contrast, especially in the left column very hard on the eyes.

Please please please give us back our old themes or at least, let us change the colours of this theme.

Each time I look at SuiteCRM now I want to throw up.

See attached screen shot. This is exactly how I see the screen.

Look especially closely at the pixelation in the Recently Viewed section.


Not a nice subject for a post! :sick: Be nice!

Looking into your image I found it all bad not just the SuiteCRM tab (blurry and pixeleated) but that can be related with image processing.
Does a normal RDP session shows the same pixelated screen?

On the other hand, I agree with you on the SuiteP theme, it has many issues for users.
Have you seen this post:

And thanks for let me know about RDTabs B)

Sorry, it was funny though.
Let’s you manage multiple rdp sessions at once.
But it squeezes the screen to allow for the rdp tab at the top of the screen and this causes the suitep theme gong to break up.
Perhaps there is some way for me to change the font?
I assume suitep is controlled by a style sheet somewhere?
It still seems somewhat buggy in 7.9