New SuiteCRM Menus missing (after upgrading from Sugar CE)

While doing an incremental upgrade from Sugar CE 6.5.x up to SuiteCRM 7.6.x, somewhere in between the menus corresponding to new SuiteCRM modules (Reports, Workflows, etc.) are missing from the Menu / Module Grouping option in the admin screen.

One important detail: in other admin screen options, we can actually see the modules (named “internally”, like “AOR_Reports” instead of “Reports”).

Please see attached snapshot for more reference.

T.I.A. !


this is definitely a permissions / ownership issue, please make sure that everything is correct

best regards

Hey Mike,

Chmod/ Chown wad done as requested,with no effect on yhe missing menus.

Any other idea? logs? Debug options?


check your suitecrm.log, apache.log, your explorer console log (chrome, firefox, etc.) run a quick build & repair, repair relationships, repair roles, etc. clear your browser’s cache.

best regards