New problem - email account isnt loading in email editor

On my own account (set as admin) the mail accounts doesn’t load.

Its just blank. I have tried to delete my CRM account and created a new one with no positive result. De same issue is still there in the account.

Deleted inbound / out bound - no positive result.

Browser developer console shows errors too:

Any ideas?

Hmm… I eventually got it solved. I had to delete my account three times :rage: before it worked and SuiteCRM loaded the email (Group / private email).

I have no idea why SuiteCRM did this.

Kind regards

You have to be “subscribed” to the folders in your user preferences or no accounts will appear here (ask me how I know).

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Thanks @pstevens :+1:

I did that and associated the account with the outbound / inbound account but SuiteCRM didn’t want to play along with me. Something went wrong I suppose when I created my own account two times.

Kind regards

How do you know? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

@rsp LOL, that’s a day I don’t want to remember!