New installation and "Undefined" appearing in dialogue boxes and elsewhere

Brand new install using
Version 7.10.6
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

Various dialogue boxes have “Undefined” in the button that should have, I;m guessing “OK” or some other feedback (Most do not)

Also looking through various forums, I was lead to Rebuild some of the modules in the Repair section and the Undefined appears at the completion of those scripts.

On installation I was promoted to " edit your web server user’s crontab file with this command:
sudo crontab -e -u MY DB USERNAME
I’m not sure if this a problem I am having, and if so, where do I find that file to edit. I do not think I have access to the server side files, I am accessing through FTP space.


Operating System?

Did you follow the installation manual?
( )

Did you set filesystem permissions exactly in the way the installation manual says? If you don’t your installation will be faulty.

By the way, when you run the installation script there will be a check for permissions but this is not the same as setting your permissions correctly before you install as pointed out in the manual.

Thanks for the info.

I am on a shred hosting package and do not have access to the admin of the server. The instructions show a “DOS” screen for the directory permissions and commands. I’m not sure that I can get to that level with my provider. Is that something I can doe through the FTP software?

Try this for permissions (on Linux):

1 Like

Thanks that fixed the “undefined” dialogues.

When I install SuiteCRM, there was a screen that indicated that I should:
“In order to run SuiteCRM Schedulers, edit your web server user’s crontab file with this command:”

Where would I find that file to edit?


I do have a problem with the email setup and getting it to send. I put in my server settings and send a Test Email, but the “Sending” box just sits there, sometimes it times out and gives me a ERROR message other times it seems to be frozen. I have to close the browser to get out of the message screen.

1 Crontab
Do you have access to something like Plesk or CPanel? With these you should be able to define the crontab entry.
You should ask your hosting company. If there is no panel they may set it up for you.

  1. Email settings
    I am not sufficiently familiar with the lates evolutions in this area. There have been plenty of discussions in the forum on the topic suggestin a solution to the problem that you have so you should search the Forum.

Just to follow up, the Email setting error message I get is:

Error:SMTP connect() failed.

Just a quick note of thanks to all who contributed here. Had the same issue with a fresh install on a shared hosting service (Bluehost)

I couldn’t change the file owners BUT the following worked to solve it:

Logged into my account through SSH
Navigated to the SuiteCRM folder

chmod -R 755 .
chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload
chmod 775 config_override.php 2>/dev/null

All “Undefines” are gone.

Thank you so much.