Fresh install of v7.11.18. All I did was add some new fields to the meetings and Accounts module and change the layouts in studio. When I do a quick repair and rebuild it works fine, all the new fields and layouts show up correctly but I get a message saying “Differences found between database and vardefs” After hitting exectute it says it worked but the next time I do a repair all of these messages are still there. I tried several of the other repair options but those didn’t seem to make a difference. There are no errors in suitecrm.log Could it be the way I set up MySQL (I have had issues before because the DB has to be set up as UTF-8 or something specific)? I have a couple of servers where everything is working fine but this is a new install so I’m thinking I set something up differently.

It goes on quite a bit longer than this but here’s the first bit:

/* Table : acl_actions */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - aclaccess -  ROW [name] => 'aclaccess'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - aclaccess -  ROW[name] => 'aclaccess'  [vname] => 'LBL_ACCESS'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '3'  [reportable] => '1'  [comment] => 'Number specifying access priority; highest access "wins"'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE acl_actions   modify COLUMN `aclaccess` int(3)  NULL ;
/* Table : cases */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - case_number -  ROW [name] => 'case_number'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [auto_increment] => '1'  [required] => 'true'  */
/* VARDEF - case_number -  ROW[name] => 'case_number'  [vname] => 'LBL_NUMBER'  [type] => 'int'  [readonly] => '1'  [len] => '11'  [required] => 'true'  [auto_increment] => '1'  [unified_search] => '1'  [full_text_search] => 'Array'  [comment] => 'Visual unique identifier'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [disable_num_format] => '1'  [studio] => 'Array'  [inline_edit] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE cases   modify COLUMN `case_number` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : bugs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - bug_number -  ROW [name] => 'bug_number'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [auto_increment] => '1'  [required] => 'true'  */
/* VARDEF - bug_number -  ROW[name] => 'bug_number'  [vname] => 'LBL_NUMBER'  [type] => 'int'  [readonly] => '1'  [len] => '11'  [required] => 'true'  [auto_increment] => '1'  [unified_search] => '1'  [full_text_search] => 'Array'  [comment] => 'Visual unique identifier'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [disable_num_format] => '1'  [studio] => 'Array'  [inline_edit] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE bugs   modify COLUMN `bug_number` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : campaign_log */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - hits -  ROW [name] => 'hits'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - hits -  ROW[name] => 'hits'  [vname] => 'LBL_HITS'  [type] => 'int'  [default] => '0'  [reportable] => '1'  [comment] => 'Number of times the item has been invoked (e.g., multiple click-thrus)'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE campaign_log   modify COLUMN `hits` int(11)  DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : project_task */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - project_task_id -  ROW [name] => 'project_task_id'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - project_task_id -  ROW[name] => 'project_task_id'  [vname] => 'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_ID'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [reportable] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_start -  ROW [name] => 'time_start'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - time_start -  ROW[name] => 'time_start'  [vname] => 'LBL_TIME_START'  [type] => 'int'  [reportable] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_finish -  ROW [name] => 'time_finish'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - time_finish -  ROW[name] => 'time_finish'  [vname] => 'LBL_TIME_FINISH'  [type] => 'int'  [reportable] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration -  ROW [name] => 'duration'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration -  ROW[name] => 'duration'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_duration -  ROW [name] => 'actual_duration'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - actual_duration -  ROW[name] => 'actual_duration'  [vname] => 'LBL_ACTUAL_DURATION'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete -  ROW [name] => 'percent_complete'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - percent_complete -  ROW[name] => 'percent_complete'  [vname] => 'LBL_PERCENT_COMPLETE'  [type] => 'int'  [required] => ''  [audited] => '1'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - parent_task_id -  ROW [name] => 'parent_task_id'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - parent_task_id -  ROW[name] => 'parent_task_id'  [vname] => 'LBL_PARENT_TASK_ID'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [reportable] => '1'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - order_number -  ROW [name] => 'order_number'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '1'  */
/* VARDEF - order_number -  ROW[name] => 'order_number'  [vname] => 'LBL_ORDER_NUMBER'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [default] => '1'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - task_number -  ROW [name] => 'task_number'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - task_number -  ROW[name] => 'task_number'  [vname] => 'LBL_TASK_NUMBER'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - estimated_effort -  ROW [name] => 'estimated_effort'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - estimated_effort -  ROW[name] => 'estimated_effort'  [vname] => 'LBL_ESTIMATED_EFFORT'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_effort -  ROW [name] => 'actual_effort'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - actual_effort -  ROW[name] => 'actual_effort'  [vname] => 'LBL_ACTUAL_EFFORT'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - utilization -  ROW [name] => 'utilization'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '100'  */
/* VARDEF - utilization -  ROW[name] => 'utilization'  [vname] => 'LBL_UTILIZATION'  [required] => ''  [type] => 'int'  [validation] => 'Array'  [function] => 'Array'  [default] => '100'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
ALTER TABLE project_task   modify COLUMN `project_task_id` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `time_start` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `time_finish` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `duration` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `actual_duration` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `percent_complete` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `parent_task_id` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `order_number` int(11)  DEFAULT '1' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `task_number` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `estimated_effort` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `actual_effort` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `utilization` int(11)  DEFAULT '100' NULL ;
/* Table : campaigns */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key -  ROW [name] => 'tracker_key'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [auto_increment] => '1'  [required] => 'true'  */
/* VARDEF - tracker_key -  ROW[name] => 'tracker_key'  [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY'  [type] => 'int'  [required] => 'true'  [studio] => 'Array'  [len] => '11'  [auto_increment] => '1'  [comment] => 'The internal ID of the tracker used in a campaign; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)'  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_count -  ROW [name] => 'tracker_count'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - tracker_count -  ROW[name] => 'tracker_count'  [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_COUNT'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [default] => '0'  [comment] => 'The number of accesses made to the tracker URL; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - impressions -  ROW [name] => 'impressions'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - impressions -  ROW[name] => 'impressions'  [vname] => 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_IMPRESSIONS'  [type] => 'int'  [default] => '0'  [reportable] => '1'  [comment] => 'Expected Click throughs manually entered by Campaign Manager'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE campaigns   modify COLUMN `tracker_key` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment,  modify COLUMN `tracker_count` int(11)  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `impressions` int(11)  DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : prospects */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key -  ROW [name] => 'tracker_key'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [auto_increment] => '1'  [required] => 'true'  */
/* VARDEF - tracker_key -  ROW[name] => 'tracker_key'  [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => 'true'  [auto_increment] => '1'  [importable] => 'false'  [studio] => 'Array'  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE prospects   modify COLUMN `tracker_key` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : campaign_trkrs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key -  ROW [name] => 'tracker_key'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [auto_increment] => '1'  [required] => 'true'  */
/* VARDEF - tracker_key -  ROW[name] => 'tracker_key'  [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [auto_increment] => '1'  [required] => 'true'  [studio] => 'Array'  [comment] => 'Internal key to uniquely identifier the tracker URL'  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE campaign_trkrs   modify COLUMN `tracker_key` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : releases */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - list_order -  ROW [name] => 'list_order'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - list_order -  ROW[name] => 'list_order'  [vname] => 'LBL_LIST_ORDER'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '4'  [importable] => 'required'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE releases   modify COLUMN `list_order` int(4)  NULL ;
/* Table : emailman */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id -  ROW [name] => 'id'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [auto_increment] => '1'  */
/* VARDEF - id -  ROW[name] => 'id'  [vname] => 'LBL_ID'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [auto_increment] => '1'  [comment] => 'Unique identifier'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => 'true'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - send_attempts -  ROW [name] => 'send_attempts'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - send_attempts -  ROW[name] => 'send_attempts'  [vname] => 'LBL_SEND_ATTEMPTS'  [type] => 'int'  [default] => '0'  [comment] => 'Number of attempts made to send this item'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE emailman   modify COLUMN `id` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment,  modify COLUMN `send_attempts` int(11)  DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : job_queue */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - job_delay -  ROW [name] => 'job_delay'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - job_delay -  ROW[name] => 'job_delay'  [vname] => 'LBL_INTERVAL'  [type] => 'int'  [required] => ''  [reportable] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete -  ROW [name] => 'percent_complete'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - percent_complete -  ROW[name] => 'percent_complete'  [vname] => 'LBL_PERCENT'  [type] => 'int'  [required] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
ALTER TABLE job_queue   modify COLUMN `job_delay` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `percent_complete` int(11)  NULL ;
/* Table : calls */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours -  ROW [name] => 'duration_hours'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration_hours -  ROW[name] => 'duration_hours'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_HOURS'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '2'  [comment] => 'Call duration, hours portion'  [required] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes -  ROW [name] => 'duration_minutes'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration_minutes -  ROW[name] => 'duration_minutes'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_MINUTES'  [type] => 'int'  [function] => 'Array'  [len] => '2'  [group] => 'duration_hours'  [importable] => 'required'  [comment] => 'Call duration, minutes portion'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - reminder_time -  ROW [name] => 'reminder_time'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '-1'  */
/* VARDEF - reminder_time -  ROW[name] => 'reminder_time'  [vname] => 'LBL_REMINDER_TIME'  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [options] => 'reminder_time_options'  [reportable] => ''  [massupdate] => ''  [default] => '-1'  [comment] => 'Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start'  [studio] => ''  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - email_reminder_time -  ROW [name] => 'email_reminder_time'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '-1'  */
/* VARDEF - email_reminder_time -  ROW[name] => 'email_reminder_time'  [vname] => 'LBL_EMAIL_REMINDER_TIME'  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [options] => 'reminder_time_options'  [reportable] => ''  [massupdate] => ''  [default] => '-1'  [comment] => 'Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start'  [studio] => ''  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_interval -  ROW [name] => 'repeat_interval'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '1'  */
/* VARDEF - repeat_interval -  ROW[name] => 'repeat_interval'  [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_INTERVAL'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '3'  [default] => '1'  [comment] => 'Interval of recurrence'  [importable] => 'false'  [massupdate] => ''  [reportable] => ''  [studio] => 'false'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_count -  ROW [name] => 'repeat_count'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - repeat_count -  ROW[name] => 'repeat_count'  [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_COUNT'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '7'  [comment] => 'Number of recurrence'  [importable] => 'false'  [massupdate] => ''  [reportable] => ''  [studio] => 'false'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE calls   modify COLUMN `duration_hours` int(2)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `duration_minutes` int(2)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `reminder_time` int(11)  DEFAULT '-1' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `email_reminder_time` int(11)  DEFAULT '-1' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `repeat_interval` int(3)  DEFAULT '1' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `repeat_count` int(7)  NULL ;
/* Table : meetings */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours -  ROW [name] => 'duration_hours'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration_hours -  ROW[name] => 'duration_hours'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_HOURS'  [type] => 'int'  [group] => 'duration'  [len] => '3'  [comment] => 'Duration (hours)'  [importable] => 'required'  [required] => ''  [studio] => 'false'  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes -  ROW [name] => 'duration_minutes'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration_minutes -  ROW[name] => 'duration_minutes'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_MINUTES'  [type] => 'int'  [group] => 'duration'  [len] => '2'  [comment] => 'Duration (minutes)'  [studio] => 'false'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - reminder_time -  ROW [name] => 'reminder_time'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '-1'  */
/* VARDEF - reminder_time -  ROW[name] => 'reminder_time'  [vname] => 'LBL_REMINDER_TIME'  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [options] => 'reminder_time_options'  [reportable] => ''  [massupdate] => ''  [default] => '-1'  [comment] => 'Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start'  [studio] => ''  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - email_reminder_time -  ROW [name] => 'email_reminder_time'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '-1'  */
/* VARDEF - email_reminder_time -  ROW[name] => 'email_reminder_time'  [vname] => 'LBL_EMAIL_REMINDER_TIME'  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [options] => 'reminder_time_options'  [reportable] => ''  [massupdate] => ''  [default] => '-1'  [comment] => 'Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start'  [studio] => ''  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - sequence -  ROW [name] => 'sequence'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - sequence -  ROW[name] => 'sequence'  [vname] => 'LBL_SEQUENCE'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [reportable] => ''  [default] => '0'  [comment] => 'Meeting update sequence for meetings as per iCalendar standards'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_interval -  ROW [name] => 'repeat_interval'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '1'  */
/* VARDEF - repeat_interval -  ROW[name] => 'repeat_interval'  [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_INTERVAL'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '3'  [default] => '1'  [comment] => 'Interval of recurrence'  [importable] => 'false'  [massupdate] => ''  [reportable] => ''  [studio] => 'false'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_count -  ROW [name] => 'repeat_count'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - repeat_count -  ROW[name] => 'repeat_count'  [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_COUNT'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '7'  [comment] => 'Number of recurrence'  [importable] => 'false'  [massupdate] => ''  [reportable] => ''  [studio] => 'false'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - gsync_lastsync -  ROW [name] => 'gsync_lastsync'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - gsync_lastsync -  ROW[name] => 'gsync_lastsync'  [vname] => 'LBL_GSYNC_LASTSYNC'  [type] => 'int'  [comment] => 'The last time this record was synced with Google Account as unix time'  [isnull] => 'true'  [massupdate] => ''  [reportable] => ''  [importable] => ''  [studio] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE meetings   modify COLUMN `duration_hours` int(3)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `duration_minutes` int(2)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `reminder_time` int(11)  DEFAULT '-1' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `email_reminder_time` int(11)  DEFAULT '-1' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `sequence` int(11)  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `repeat_interval` int(3)  DEFAULT '1' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `repeat_count` int(7)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `gsync_lastsync` int(11)  NULL ;
/* Table : tracker */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id -  ROW [name] => 'id'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [auto_increment] => '1'  */
/* VARDEF - id -  ROW[name] => 'id'  [vname] => 'LBL_ID'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [isnull] => 'false'  [auto_increment] => '1'  [reportable] => '1'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => 'true'  */
ALTER TABLE tracker   modify COLUMN `id` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : fields_meta_data */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - len -  ROW [name] => 'len'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - len -  ROW[name] => 'len'  [vname] => 'COLUMN_TITLE_MAX_SIZE'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => ''  [validation] => 'Array'  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE fields_meta_data   modify COLUMN `len` int(11)  NULL ;
/* Table : inbound_email */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - port -  ROW [name] => 'port'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - port -  ROW[name] => 'port'  [vname] => 'LBL_SERVER_TYPE'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '5'  [required] => ''  [reportable] => ''  [validation] => 'Array'  [comment] => 'Port used to access mail server'  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE inbound_email   modify COLUMN `port` int(5)  NULL ;
/* Table : am_tasktemplates */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete -  ROW [name] => 'percent_complete'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - percent_complete -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'percent_complete'  [vname] => 'LBL_PERCENT_COMPLETE'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [default] => '0'  [no_default] => ''  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [len] => '255'  [size] => '20'  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - predecessors -  ROW [name] => 'predecessors'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - predecessors -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'predecessors'  [vname] => 'LBL_PREDECESSORS'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [no_default] => ''  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [len] => '255'  [size] => '20'  [enable_range_search] => ''  [disable_num_format] => '1'  [min] => ''  [max] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - task_number -  ROW [name] => 'task_number'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - task_number -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'task_number'  [vname] => 'LBL_TASK_NUMBER'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [no_default] => ''  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [len] => '255'  [size] => '20'  [enable_range_search] => ''  [disable_num_format] => '1'  [min] => ''  [max] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - order_number -  ROW [name] => 'order_number'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - order_number -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'order_number'  [vname] => 'LBL_ORDER_NUMBER'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [no_default] => ''  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [len] => '255'  [size] => '20'  [enable_range_search] => ''  [disable_num_format] => ''  [min] => ''  [max] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - estimated_effort -  ROW [name] => 'estimated_effort'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - estimated_effort -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'estimated_effort'  [vname] => 'LBL_ESTIMATED_EFFORT'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [no_default] => ''  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [len] => '255'  [size] => '20'  [enable_range_search] => ''  [disable_num_format] => '1'  [min] => ''  [max] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration -  ROW [name] => 'duration'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'duration'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [no_default] => ''  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [len] => '255'  [size] => '20'  [enable_range_search] => ''  [disable_num_format] => '1'  [min] => ''  [max] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE am_tasktemplates   modify COLUMN `percent_complete` int(255)  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,  modify COLUMN `predecessors` int(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `task_number` int(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `order_number` int(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `estimated_effort` int(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `duration` int(255)  NULL ;
/* Table : reminders */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - date_willexecute -  ROW [name] => 'date_willexecute'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '-1'  */
/* VARDEF - date_willexecute -  ROW[name] => 'date_willexecute'  [vname] => 'LBL_DATE_WILLEXECUTE'  [type] => 'int'  [default] => '-1'  [len] => '60'  [required] => ''  [massupdate] => ''  [studio] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
ALTER TABLE reminders   modify COLUMN `date_willexecute` int(60)  DEFAULT '-1' NULL ;
/* Table : fp_events */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours -  ROW [name] => 'duration_hours'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration_hours -  ROW[name] => 'duration_hours'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_HOURS'  [type] => 'int'  [group] => 'duration'  [len] => '3'  [comment] => 'Duration (hours)'  [importable] => 'required'  [required] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes -  ROW [name] => 'duration_minutes'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - duration_minutes -  ROW[name] => 'duration_minutes'  [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_MINUTES'  [type] => 'int'  [group] => 'duration'  [len] => '2'  [comment] => 'Duration (minutes)'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE fp_events   modify COLUMN `duration_hours` int(3)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `duration_minutes` int(2)  NULL ;
/* Table : aor_reports */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - graphs_per_row -  ROW [name] => 'graphs_per_row'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  [default] => '2'  */
/* VARDEF - graphs_per_row -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'graphs_per_row'  [vname] => 'LBL_GRAPHS_PER_ROW'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [default] => '2'  [no_default] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
ALTER TABLE aor_reports   modify COLUMN `graphs_per_row` int(11)  DEFAULT '2' NULL ;
/* Table : aor_fields */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - field_order -  ROW [name] => 'field_order'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - field_order -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'field_order'  [vname] => 'LBL_ORDER'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [len] => '255'  [size] => '20'  [enable_range_search] => ''  [disable_num_format] => ''  [dbType] => 'int'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - group_display -  ROW [name] => 'group_display'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - group_display -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'group_display'  [vname] => 'LBL_GROUP_DISPLAY'  [type] => 'int'  [massupdate] => '0'  [comments] => ''  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [studio] => 'visible'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
ALTER TABLE aor_fields   modify COLUMN `field_order` int(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `group_display` int(11)  NULL ;
/* Table : aor_charts */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - x_field -  ROW [name] => 'x_field'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - x_field -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'x_field'  [vname] => 'LBL_X_FIELD'  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - y_field -  ROW [name] => 'y_field'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => ''  */
/* VARDEF - y_field -  ROW[required] => ''  [name] => 'y_field'  [vname] => 'LBL_Y_FIELD'  [type] => 'int'  [dbType] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  */
ALTER TABLE aor_charts   modify COLUMN `x_field` int(11)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN `y_field` int(11)  NULL ;
/* Table : aor_conditions */

Please check your PHP and MySQL version are within the compatibility matrix:

I tried a brand new install of v8 beta 3 and still came up with the following database mismatch immediately after installing. I check against the compatibility matrix and all seems good (I’m running Apache2, PHP7.4 with MySQL 8 on Ubuntu 20.04)

/* Table : acl_actions */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - aclaccess - ROW [name] => ‘aclaccess’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - aclaccess - ROW[name] => ‘aclaccess’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ACCESS’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘3’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Number specifying access priority; highest access “wins”’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE acl_actions modify COLUMN aclaccess int(3) NULL ;
Table : cases */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - case_number - ROW [name] => ‘case_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
VARDEF - case_number - ROW[name] => ‘case_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_NUMBER’ [type] => ‘int’ [readonly] => ‘1’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘true’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [unified_search] => ‘1’ [full_text_search] => ‘Array’ [comment] => ‘Visual unique identifier’ [duplicate_merge] => ‘disabled’ [disable_num_format] => ‘1’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [inline_edit] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ /
ALTER TABLE cases modify COLUMN case_number int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
Table : bugs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - bug_number - ROW [name] => ‘bug_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
VARDEF - bug_number - ROW[name] => ‘bug_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_NUMBER’ [type] => ‘int’ [readonly] => ‘1’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘true’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [unified_search] => ‘1’ [full_text_search] => ‘Array’ [comment] => ‘Visual unique identifier’ [duplicate_merge] => ‘disabled’ [disable_num_format] => ‘1’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [inline_edit] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ /
ALTER TABLE bugs modify COLUMN bug_number int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
Table : campaign_log */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - hits - ROW [name] => ‘hits’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - hits - ROW[name] => ‘hits’ [vname] => ‘LBL_HITS’ [type] => ‘int’ [default] => ‘0’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Number of times the item has been invoked (e.g., multiple click-thrus)’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE campaign_log modify COLUMN hits int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ;
Table : project_task */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - project_task_id - ROW [name] => ‘project_task_id’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - project_task_id - ROW[name] => ‘project_task_id’ [vname] => ‘LBL_PROJECT_TASK_ID’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_start - ROW [name] => ‘time_start’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - time_start - ROW[name] => ‘time_start’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TIME_START’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_finish - ROW [name] => ‘time_finish’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - time_finish - ROW[name] => ‘time_finish’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TIME_FINISH’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration - ROW [name] => ‘duration’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - duration - ROW[name] => ‘duration’ [vname] => ‘LBL_DURATION’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_duration - ROW [name] => ‘actual_duration’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - actual_duration - ROW[name] => ‘actual_duration’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ACTUAL_DURATION’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete - ROW [name] => ‘percent_complete’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - percent_complete - ROW[name] => ‘percent_complete’ [vname] => ‘LBL_PERCENT_COMPLETE’ [type] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ [audited] => ‘1’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - parent_task_id - ROW [name] => ‘parent_task_id’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - parent_task_id - ROW[name] => ‘parent_task_id’ [vname] => ‘LBL_PARENT_TASK_ID’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - order_number - ROW [name] => ‘order_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘1’ /
VARDEF - order_number - ROW[name] => ‘order_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ORDER_NUMBER’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [default] => ‘1’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - task_number - ROW [name] => ‘task_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - task_number - ROW[name] => ‘task_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TASK_NUMBER’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - estimated_effort - ROW [name] => ‘estimated_effort’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - estimated_effort - ROW[name] => ‘estimated_effort’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ESTIMATED_EFFORT’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_effort - ROW [name] => ‘actual_effort’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - actual_effort - ROW[name] => ‘actual_effort’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ACTUAL_EFFORT’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - utilization - ROW [name] => ‘utilization’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘100’ /
VARDEF - utilization - ROW[name] => ‘utilization’ [vname] => ‘LBL_UTILIZATION’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [validation] => ‘Array’ [function] => ‘Array’ [default] => ‘100’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ /
ALTER TABLE project_task modify COLUMN project_task_id int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN time_start int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN time_finish int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN duration int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN actual_duration int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN percent_complete int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN parent_task_id int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN order_number int(11) DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL , modify COLUMN task_number int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN estimated_effort int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN actual_effort int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN utilization int(11) DEFAULT ‘100’ NULL ;
Table : campaigns */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_key’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => ‘tracker_key’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TRACKER_KEY’ [type] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘true’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [len] => ‘11’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘The internal ID of the tracker used in a campaign; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)’ [dbType] => ‘int’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_count - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_count’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - tracker_count - ROW[name] => ‘tracker_count’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TRACKER_COUNT’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [default] => ‘0’ [comment] => ‘The number of accesses made to the tracker URL; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - impressions - ROW [name] => ‘impressions’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
VARDEF - impressions - ROW[name] => ‘impressions’ [vname] => ‘LBL_CAMPAIGN_IMPRESSIONS’ [type] => ‘int’ [default] => ‘0’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Expected Click throughs manually entered by Campaign Manager’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE campaigns modify COLUMN tracker_key int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN tracker_count int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL , modify COLUMN impressions int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ;
Table : prospects */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_key’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => ‘tracker_key’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TRACKER_KEY’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘true’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [importable] => ‘false’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [dbType] => ‘int’ /
ALTER TABLE prospects modify COLUMN tracker_key int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
Table : campaign_trkrs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_key’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ */

I think I now know what the problem is, but not the solution. If I run these queries directly in the database I see warning messages about display width information being deprecated in future version of MySQL. I suspect it’s these warning messages that SuiteCRM interprets as mismatches, presumably because they don’t return the standard ‘OK’ status in the query. The version 8 beta 3 suggest MySQL v8 is supported but perhaps not fully at this point…?

Perhaps you could open an issue on the v8 Github with this.

same issure here. is it been resolved?

I am having the same issue. I get the deprecated message if I run the sql directly against the database.

  • Server version: 8.0.31-cll-lve - MySQL Community Server - GPL
    SuiteCRM Version 7.12.6

Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

Regards Chris.

Non-Upgrade Safe to Skip

public function compareVarDefs($fielddef1, $fielddef2, $ignoreName = false)

Add below code in function before foreach loop

if($fielddef1[‘type’] == ‘int’ && empty($fielddef1[‘len’]))
return true;