Fresh install of v7.11.18. All I did was add some new fields to the meetings and Accounts module and change the layouts in studio. When I do a quick repair and rebuild it works fine, all the new fields and layouts show up correctly but I get a message saying “Differences found between database and vardefs” After hitting exectute it says it worked but the next time I do a repair all of these messages are still there. I tried several of the other repair options but those didn’t seem to make a difference. There are no errors in suitecrm.log Could it be the way I set up MySQL (I have had issues before because the DB has to be set up as UTF-8 or something specific)? I have a couple of servers where everything is working fine but this is a new install so I’m thinking I set something up differently.
It goes on quite a bit longer than this but here’s the first bit:
/* Table : acl_actions */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - aclaccess - ROW [name] => 'aclaccess' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - aclaccess - ROW[name] => 'aclaccess' [vname] => 'LBL_ACCESS' [type] => 'int' [len] => '3' [reportable] => '1' [comment] => 'Number specifying access priority; highest access "wins"' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE acl_actions modify COLUMN `aclaccess` int(3) NULL ;
/* Table : cases */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - case_number - ROW [name] => 'case_number' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [auto_increment] => '1' [required] => 'true' */
/* VARDEF - case_number - ROW[name] => 'case_number' [vname] => 'LBL_NUMBER' [type] => 'int' [readonly] => '1' [len] => '11' [required] => 'true' [auto_increment] => '1' [unified_search] => '1' [full_text_search] => 'Array' [comment] => 'Visual unique identifier' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [disable_num_format] => '1' [studio] => 'Array' [inline_edit] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE cases modify COLUMN `case_number` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : bugs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - bug_number - ROW [name] => 'bug_number' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [auto_increment] => '1' [required] => 'true' */
/* VARDEF - bug_number - ROW[name] => 'bug_number' [vname] => 'LBL_NUMBER' [type] => 'int' [readonly] => '1' [len] => '11' [required] => 'true' [auto_increment] => '1' [unified_search] => '1' [full_text_search] => 'Array' [comment] => 'Visual unique identifier' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [disable_num_format] => '1' [studio] => 'Array' [inline_edit] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE bugs modify COLUMN `bug_number` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : campaign_log */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - hits - ROW [name] => 'hits' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - hits - ROW[name] => 'hits' [vname] => 'LBL_HITS' [type] => 'int' [default] => '0' [reportable] => '1' [comment] => 'Number of times the item has been invoked (e.g., multiple click-thrus)' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE campaign_log modify COLUMN `hits` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : project_task */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - project_task_id - ROW [name] => 'project_task_id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - project_task_id - ROW[name] => 'project_task_id' [vname] => 'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_ID' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [reportable] => '' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_start - ROW [name] => 'time_start' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - time_start - ROW[name] => 'time_start' [vname] => 'LBL_TIME_START' [type] => 'int' [reportable] => '' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_finish - ROW [name] => 'time_finish' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - time_finish - ROW[name] => 'time_finish' [vname] => 'LBL_TIME_FINISH' [type] => 'int' [reportable] => '' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration - ROW [name] => 'duration' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration - ROW[name] => 'duration' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_duration - ROW [name] => 'actual_duration' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - actual_duration - ROW[name] => 'actual_duration' [vname] => 'LBL_ACTUAL_DURATION' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete - ROW [name] => 'percent_complete' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - percent_complete - ROW[name] => 'percent_complete' [vname] => 'LBL_PERCENT_COMPLETE' [type] => 'int' [required] => '' [audited] => '1' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - parent_task_id - ROW [name] => 'parent_task_id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - parent_task_id - ROW[name] => 'parent_task_id' [vname] => 'LBL_PARENT_TASK_ID' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [reportable] => '1' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - order_number - ROW [name] => 'order_number' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '1' */
/* VARDEF - order_number - ROW[name] => 'order_number' [vname] => 'LBL_ORDER_NUMBER' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [default] => '1' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - task_number - ROW [name] => 'task_number' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - task_number - ROW[name] => 'task_number' [vname] => 'LBL_TASK_NUMBER' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - estimated_effort - ROW [name] => 'estimated_effort' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - estimated_effort - ROW[name] => 'estimated_effort' [vname] => 'LBL_ESTIMATED_EFFORT' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_effort - ROW [name] => 'actual_effort' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - actual_effort - ROW[name] => 'actual_effort' [vname] => 'LBL_ACTUAL_EFFORT' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - utilization - ROW [name] => 'utilization' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '100' */
/* VARDEF - utilization - ROW[name] => 'utilization' [vname] => 'LBL_UTILIZATION' [required] => '' [type] => 'int' [validation] => 'Array' [function] => 'Array' [default] => '100' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
ALTER TABLE project_task modify COLUMN `project_task_id` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `time_start` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `time_finish` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `duration` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `actual_duration` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `percent_complete` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `parent_task_id` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `order_number` int(11) DEFAULT '1' NULL , modify COLUMN `task_number` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `estimated_effort` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `actual_effort` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `utilization` int(11) DEFAULT '100' NULL ;
/* Table : campaigns */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => 'tracker_key' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [auto_increment] => '1' [required] => 'true' */
/* VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => 'tracker_key' [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY' [type] => 'int' [required] => 'true' [studio] => 'Array' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' [comment] => 'The internal ID of the tracker used in a campaign; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_count - ROW [name] => 'tracker_count' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - tracker_count - ROW[name] => 'tracker_count' [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_COUNT' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [default] => '0' [comment] => 'The number of accesses made to the tracker URL; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - impressions - ROW [name] => 'impressions' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - impressions - ROW[name] => 'impressions' [vname] => 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_IMPRESSIONS' [type] => 'int' [default] => '0' [reportable] => '1' [comment] => 'Expected Click throughs manually entered by Campaign Manager' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE campaigns modify COLUMN `tracker_key` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN `tracker_count` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NULL , modify COLUMN `impressions` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : prospects */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => 'tracker_key' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [auto_increment] => '1' [required] => 'true' */
/* VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => 'tracker_key' [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => 'true' [auto_increment] => '1' [importable] => 'false' [studio] => 'Array' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE prospects modify COLUMN `tracker_key` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : campaign_trkrs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => 'tracker_key' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [auto_increment] => '1' [required] => 'true' */
/* VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => 'tracker_key' [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' [required] => 'true' [studio] => 'Array' [comment] => 'Internal key to uniquely identifier the tracker URL' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE campaign_trkrs modify COLUMN `tracker_key` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : releases */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - list_order - ROW [name] => 'list_order' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - list_order - ROW[name] => 'list_order' [vname] => 'LBL_LIST_ORDER' [type] => 'int' [len] => '4' [importable] => 'required' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE releases modify COLUMN `list_order` int(4) NULL ;
/* Table : emailman */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => 'id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [auto_increment] => '1' */
/* VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => 'id' [vname] => 'LBL_ID' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' [comment] => 'Unique identifier' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => 'true' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - send_attempts - ROW [name] => 'send_attempts' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - send_attempts - ROW[name] => 'send_attempts' [vname] => 'LBL_SEND_ATTEMPTS' [type] => 'int' [default] => '0' [comment] => 'Number of attempts made to send this item' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE emailman modify COLUMN `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN `send_attempts` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : job_queue */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - job_delay - ROW [name] => 'job_delay' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - job_delay - ROW[name] => 'job_delay' [vname] => 'LBL_INTERVAL' [type] => 'int' [required] => '' [reportable] => '' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete - ROW [name] => 'percent_complete' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - percent_complete - ROW[name] => 'percent_complete' [vname] => 'LBL_PERCENT' [type] => 'int' [required] => '' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
ALTER TABLE job_queue modify COLUMN `job_delay` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `percent_complete` int(11) NULL ;
/* Table : calls */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours - ROW [name] => 'duration_hours' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration_hours - ROW[name] => 'duration_hours' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_HOURS' [type] => 'int' [len] => '2' [comment] => 'Call duration, hours portion' [required] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes - ROW [name] => 'duration_minutes' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration_minutes - ROW[name] => 'duration_minutes' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_MINUTES' [type] => 'int' [function] => 'Array' [len] => '2' [group] => 'duration_hours' [importable] => 'required' [comment] => 'Call duration, minutes portion' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - reminder_time - ROW [name] => 'reminder_time' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '-1' */
/* VARDEF - reminder_time - ROW[name] => 'reminder_time' [vname] => 'LBL_REMINDER_TIME' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [options] => 'reminder_time_options' [reportable] => '' [massupdate] => '' [default] => '-1' [comment] => 'Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start' [studio] => '' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - email_reminder_time - ROW [name] => 'email_reminder_time' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '-1' */
/* VARDEF - email_reminder_time - ROW[name] => 'email_reminder_time' [vname] => 'LBL_EMAIL_REMINDER_TIME' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [options] => 'reminder_time_options' [reportable] => '' [massupdate] => '' [default] => '-1' [comment] => 'Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start' [studio] => '' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_interval - ROW [name] => 'repeat_interval' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '1' */
/* VARDEF - repeat_interval - ROW[name] => 'repeat_interval' [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_INTERVAL' [type] => 'int' [len] => '3' [default] => '1' [comment] => 'Interval of recurrence' [importable] => 'false' [massupdate] => '' [reportable] => '' [studio] => 'false' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_count - ROW [name] => 'repeat_count' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - repeat_count - ROW[name] => 'repeat_count' [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_COUNT' [type] => 'int' [len] => '7' [comment] => 'Number of recurrence' [importable] => 'false' [massupdate] => '' [reportable] => '' [studio] => 'false' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE calls modify COLUMN `duration_hours` int(2) NULL , modify COLUMN `duration_minutes` int(2) NULL , modify COLUMN `reminder_time` int(11) DEFAULT '-1' NULL , modify COLUMN `email_reminder_time` int(11) DEFAULT '-1' NULL , modify COLUMN `repeat_interval` int(3) DEFAULT '1' NULL , modify COLUMN `repeat_count` int(7) NULL ;
/* Table : meetings */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours - ROW [name] => 'duration_hours' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration_hours - ROW[name] => 'duration_hours' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_HOURS' [type] => 'int' [group] => 'duration' [len] => '3' [comment] => 'Duration (hours)' [importable] => 'required' [required] => '' [studio] => 'false' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes - ROW [name] => 'duration_minutes' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration_minutes - ROW[name] => 'duration_minutes' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_MINUTES' [type] => 'int' [group] => 'duration' [len] => '2' [comment] => 'Duration (minutes)' [studio] => 'false' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - reminder_time - ROW [name] => 'reminder_time' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '-1' */
/* VARDEF - reminder_time - ROW[name] => 'reminder_time' [vname] => 'LBL_REMINDER_TIME' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [options] => 'reminder_time_options' [reportable] => '' [massupdate] => '' [default] => '-1' [comment] => 'Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start' [studio] => '' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - email_reminder_time - ROW [name] => 'email_reminder_time' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '-1' */
/* VARDEF - email_reminder_time - ROW[name] => 'email_reminder_time' [vname] => 'LBL_EMAIL_REMINDER_TIME' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [options] => 'reminder_time_options' [reportable] => '' [massupdate] => '' [default] => '-1' [comment] => 'Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start' [studio] => '' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - sequence - ROW [name] => 'sequence' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - sequence - ROW[name] => 'sequence' [vname] => 'LBL_SEQUENCE' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [reportable] => '' [default] => '0' [comment] => 'Meeting update sequence for meetings as per iCalendar standards' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_interval - ROW [name] => 'repeat_interval' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '1' */
/* VARDEF - repeat_interval - ROW[name] => 'repeat_interval' [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_INTERVAL' [type] => 'int' [len] => '3' [default] => '1' [comment] => 'Interval of recurrence' [importable] => 'false' [massupdate] => '' [reportable] => '' [studio] => 'false' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_count - ROW [name] => 'repeat_count' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - repeat_count - ROW[name] => 'repeat_count' [vname] => 'LBL_REPEAT_COUNT' [type] => 'int' [len] => '7' [comment] => 'Number of recurrence' [importable] => 'false' [massupdate] => '' [reportable] => '' [studio] => 'false' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - gsync_lastsync - ROW [name] => 'gsync_lastsync' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - gsync_lastsync - ROW[name] => 'gsync_lastsync' [vname] => 'LBL_GSYNC_LASTSYNC' [type] => 'int' [comment] => 'The last time this record was synced with Google Account as unix time' [isnull] => 'true' [massupdate] => '' [reportable] => '' [importable] => '' [studio] => '' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE meetings modify COLUMN `duration_hours` int(3) NULL , modify COLUMN `duration_minutes` int(2) NULL , modify COLUMN `reminder_time` int(11) DEFAULT '-1' NULL , modify COLUMN `email_reminder_time` int(11) DEFAULT '-1' NULL , modify COLUMN `sequence` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NULL , modify COLUMN `repeat_interval` int(3) DEFAULT '1' NULL , modify COLUMN `repeat_count` int(7) NULL , modify COLUMN `gsync_lastsync` int(11) NULL ;
/* Table : tracker */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => 'id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [auto_increment] => '1' */
/* VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => 'id' [vname] => 'LBL_ID' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [isnull] => 'false' [auto_increment] => '1' [reportable] => '1' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => 'true' */
ALTER TABLE tracker modify COLUMN `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/* Table : fields_meta_data */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - len - ROW [name] => 'len' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - len - ROW[name] => 'len' [vname] => 'COLUMN_TITLE_MAX_SIZE' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [required] => '' [validation] => 'Array' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE fields_meta_data modify COLUMN `len` int(11) NULL ;
/* Table : inbound_email */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - port - ROW [name] => 'port' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - port - ROW[name] => 'port' [vname] => 'LBL_SERVER_TYPE' [type] => 'int' [len] => '5' [required] => '' [reportable] => '' [validation] => 'Array' [comment] => 'Port used to access mail server' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE inbound_email modify COLUMN `port` int(5) NULL ;
/* Table : am_tasktemplates */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete - ROW [name] => 'percent_complete' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - percent_complete - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'percent_complete' [vname] => 'LBL_PERCENT_COMPLETE' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [default] => '0' [no_default] => '' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [len] => '255' [size] => '20' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - predecessors - ROW [name] => 'predecessors' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - predecessors - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'predecessors' [vname] => 'LBL_PREDECESSORS' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [no_default] => '' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [len] => '255' [size] => '20' [enable_range_search] => '' [disable_num_format] => '1' [min] => '' [max] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - task_number - ROW [name] => 'task_number' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - task_number - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'task_number' [vname] => 'LBL_TASK_NUMBER' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [no_default] => '' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [len] => '255' [size] => '20' [enable_range_search] => '' [disable_num_format] => '1' [min] => '' [max] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - order_number - ROW [name] => 'order_number' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - order_number - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'order_number' [vname] => 'LBL_ORDER_NUMBER' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [no_default] => '' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [len] => '255' [size] => '20' [enable_range_search] => '' [disable_num_format] => '' [min] => '' [max] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - estimated_effort - ROW [name] => 'estimated_effort' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - estimated_effort - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'estimated_effort' [vname] => 'LBL_ESTIMATED_EFFORT' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [no_default] => '' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [len] => '255' [size] => '20' [enable_range_search] => '' [disable_num_format] => '1' [min] => '' [max] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration - ROW [name] => 'duration' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'duration' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [no_default] => '' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [len] => '255' [size] => '20' [enable_range_search] => '' [disable_num_format] => '1' [min] => '' [max] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE am_tasktemplates modify COLUMN `percent_complete` int(255) DEFAULT '0' NULL , modify COLUMN `predecessors` int(255) NULL , modify COLUMN `task_number` int(255) NULL , modify COLUMN `order_number` int(255) NULL , modify COLUMN `estimated_effort` int(255) NULL , modify COLUMN `duration` int(255) NULL ;
/* Table : reminders */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - date_willexecute - ROW [name] => 'date_willexecute' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '-1' */
/* VARDEF - date_willexecute - ROW[name] => 'date_willexecute' [vname] => 'LBL_DATE_WILLEXECUTE' [type] => 'int' [default] => '-1' [len] => '60' [required] => '' [massupdate] => '' [studio] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
ALTER TABLE reminders modify COLUMN `date_willexecute` int(60) DEFAULT '-1' NULL ;
/* Table : fp_events */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours - ROW [name] => 'duration_hours' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration_hours - ROW[name] => 'duration_hours' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_HOURS' [type] => 'int' [group] => 'duration' [len] => '3' [comment] => 'Duration (hours)' [importable] => 'required' [required] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes - ROW [name] => 'duration_minutes' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - duration_minutes - ROW[name] => 'duration_minutes' [vname] => 'LBL_DURATION_MINUTES' [type] => 'int' [group] => 'duration' [len] => '2' [comment] => 'Duration (minutes)' [dbType] => 'int' [required] => '' */
ALTER TABLE fp_events modify COLUMN `duration_hours` int(3) NULL , modify COLUMN `duration_minutes` int(2) NULL ;
/* Table : aor_reports */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - graphs_per_row - ROW [name] => 'graphs_per_row' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' [default] => '2' */
/* VARDEF - graphs_per_row - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'graphs_per_row' [vname] => 'LBL_GRAPHS_PER_ROW' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [default] => '2' [no_default] => '' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
ALTER TABLE aor_reports modify COLUMN `graphs_per_row` int(11) DEFAULT '2' NULL ;
/* Table : aor_fields */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - field_order - ROW [name] => 'field_order' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - field_order - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'field_order' [vname] => 'LBL_ORDER' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [len] => '255' [size] => '20' [enable_range_search] => '' [disable_num_format] => '' [dbType] => 'int' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - group_display - ROW [name] => 'group_display' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - group_display - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'group_display' [vname] => 'LBL_GROUP_DISPLAY' [type] => 'int' [massupdate] => '0' [comments] => '' [help] => '' [importable] => 'true' [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled' [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0' [audited] => '' [reportable] => '1' [unified_search] => '' [merge_filter] => 'disabled' [studio] => 'visible' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
ALTER TABLE aor_fields modify COLUMN `field_order` int(255) NULL , modify COLUMN `group_display` int(11) NULL ;
/* Table : aor_charts */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - x_field - ROW [name] => 'x_field' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - x_field - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'x_field' [vname] => 'LBL_X_FIELD' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - y_field - ROW [name] => 'y_field' [type] => 'int' [len] => '' */
/* VARDEF - y_field - ROW[required] => '' [name] => 'y_field' [vname] => 'LBL_Y_FIELD' [type] => 'int' [dbType] => 'int' [len] => '11' */
ALTER TABLE aor_charts modify COLUMN `x_field` int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN `y_field` int(11) NULL ;
/* Table : aor_conditions */