New filter condition required in REPORT


I want to add a new filter condition for an report. As of now, we have only “EQUAL” & “NOT EQUAL” option. I want to add a new condition “BETWEEN” to generate a report.

I have attached a screen shot and please provide me a solution for the same.


Hi Arun,

What kind of field is “Age”? If it’s a number you should get an option to do greater than or less than. This allows you to do between, say, 18-21 by having a condition greater than 18 and a condition for less than 21.


Yes, its a number. I want you filter the report between age 18 to 21.

Can you let me know where i can find the greater than and lesser than option?

Thanks in advance.

Arun J.

Hi Arun,

The option should appear. Can you check the type of number this is? Go to admin -> studio -> contacts -> fields and look for the age field.


Yes, i checked. The type is PHONE.

Actually the label of this field was FAX, since iam not able to add new field, i renamed this FAX field to AGE field.

Now iam not able to change the type from PHONE to Number. System throws error while i trying to edit the type and even while i try to add new field.

Please find attached screen shot for the same.


Since phone/fax fields aren’t proper numbers you wont be able to use greater than/ less than conditions on these.

Unfortunately you can’t edit the type of a field. Creating a new field should work however. I think you forgot to attach the screenshot.


Please find attached screen shot of the error.

Thanks for the support, issue got rectified.

One more small query is, i have created a new field in a form, but that field is not displaying in the form.

Do i need to do any configuration?