New custom module not showing in All menu after deploying


I created a package with a custom module in module builder. I created all my layouts, imported data successfully. I deployed the package. My new module is not showing in any menus. I am running Version 7.2.2

If I go in admin/ Display Modules and Subpanels I can see my new module in the displayed modules list but it doesn’t show up anywhere…

How can I fix this ? What do I need to check ?

Thanks !

Your version is from 2015-05-20 … almost 2 years old :sick:

Please update to the latest version: 7.8.1

Thanks I will… My version is very old… What file should I use to upgrade ?

The are the available upgrades for 7.8.1:


Thanks !

Sorry… old versions updates are not in the main site but here:

All updates are here

You will have a long way to upgrade (4!) as there is no direct update for your version:

(remember to make a “admin/quick repair” after each upgrade, cache clean on your browsers
Also hope you don’t have permissions issues from the start!

I think that " Display Modules and Subpanels" is not sufficient. You also have to add your items in Admin -> Configure Menu Filters

The custom module doesn’t appear in the Admin -> Configure Menu Filters
I will try to upgrade before I do anything else since my version is more than 2 years old… It might also be a permission problem.

Thanks !