New 7.2 Upgrade Breaks SuiteCRM

Get the following message after install (actually it broke before the install was done - thank God for backups).

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/rseigel/public_html/ottawahvacguy/crm/include/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php on line 1910




Uploaded include/phpmailer/. from last version. Got me further.

Now on he page where it appends the new fieldsā€¦

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/rseigel/public_html/ottawahvacguy/crm/modules/AOW_WorkFlow/aow_utils.php on line 136

Ummmā€¦it gets worse.

Iā€™m reverting back and Iā€™ll wait for 7.2.1.

I should have known better. :blink:

+1 Vote

Reverting back to 7.1 , and will wait for 7.2.1

If you are using PHP 5.2, you will experience the unexpected T_FUNCTION error as there are compatibility issues with SuiteCRM 7.2 currently.

We will update you with how we plan to progress and if PHP 5.2 will be supported.



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Actually Iā€™m on PHP 5.3.29.

Any other ideas?

I ran a test upgrade and everything seemed to work ok. I have backed up my install and prepped my system.

And then I though I had better have one more look before I go through another failed upgrade. Which is when I found this thread.

Thanks guys :wink:

If anyone from SuiteCRM wants my login info to take a look (and hopefully fix it) Iā€™d be happy to provide it. I canā€™t be the only one that this is happening to.

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if you can go into ā€˜Adminā€™ and select the ā€˜Diagnostic Toolā€™, and uncheck everything apart from the phpinfo(), execute and download the zip, unzip and paste the top of the doc or attach if you can the file inside

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Iā€™ve attached it to this post.



Thanks, the problem is your are using PHP Version 5.2.17, I would recommend upgrading to 5.3+ before upgrading to suite 7.2

This week i run into this issues while upgrading an production server on a webhost. If your webhosting company has cpanel, to upgrade is quite easy.
Login cPanel, under advanced look for PHP Configuration.

Select the directory of your suiteCRM installation, and than select from the dropdown, The ā€œ.phpā€ file extension will be processed by and in my case i selected the server default 5.4.

Doing this resulted for me in perfect running installation and as a bonus i solved some of the dashboard nuaces we had.

PHP 5.5.20 here
Same problem:
unexpected T_FUNCTION in public_html/SuiteCRM7.0.2/modules/AOW_WorkFlow/aow_utils.php on line 136