Need to Create User hierarchy like Super Admin , Admin , Employee/User - Three Level [ Help Me - Thanks in Advance ]

Need to Create User hierarchy like Super Admin , Admin ( Dealer ) , Employee/User ( Sales Officer ) - Three Level

  1. Super Admin can able to add/edit all the things ( this feature is already exist )
  2. Admin ( Dealer ) can able to add Employee/User ( Sales Officer ) ( this feature is not exist )
  3. Employee/User ( Sales Officer ) can’t able to add Employee/User ( Sales Officer )

Three tier structure is possible with current CRM version ?

If yes please help me. Many Many Thanks in advance.

You can create different access rights/roles using Roles and Security Groups. I’d suggest testing those out to see if it suits your requirement.

If you need to control the creation of users and have non-admins create users, then this is not possible out of the box.


I am facing the same issue. please let me know if you found any way to accomplish this in suitecrm?
